A few words about the Tokenomics and safety of LasseCash and related tokens.


lassecash (1).png

So yes, there may be some things that has scared people off from participating in LasseCash ecosystem, I will try to adress those and why they are not a problem in reality.

So first of yes you have to trust me, that I do what I promised, thats just the trade off you will have to make to get TRUTH rewards, like no where else, there is currently no other way to do it (for me at-least) and there are no competition doing anything like this.

So yes I got 11 million LASSECASH at launch, and that number is down to like 5 or 6 million now, after I donated a bunch and spend some on promotion. Its by design, you want a strong leader? You got it, I am able to solve a dispute or drama on chain. So its the plan that I should always have the biggest stake.

So what about ALL THOSE related tokens, how does the tokenomic works? Well I want to point out that I do not get anything at launch with those, they are only distributed via Diesel pool rewards. Its actually a very beautiful setup in my view. Think about it, it uses no energy (almost NONE) to distribute those tokens, Bitcoin uses like a country like Sweden!!!! ... So all those related tokens are very fair and the "token creation" only goes to those who provide liquidity, its described more in details here:

Lasse Ehlers came up with the ideas for 21 other LasseCash related tokens.

Read more here: https://www.lassecash.com/@lasseehlers/related-tokens-to-lassecash

and here: https://www.lassecash.com/@lasseehlers/related-tokens-to-lassecash-2-0

and here: https://www.lassecash.com/@lasseehlers/related-tokens-to-lassecash-3-0

and here: https://www.lassecash.com/@lasseehlers/puppy-got-a-rewarding-diesel-pool


So yes there are some trust involved, but you have to remember, that I have a strong incentive to do as promised, or I would hurt the prices and my reputation.

Yeah, but Hive Engine is not decentralized?

I heard this so many times, and I want to adress that ones and for all. Well the history is 100% immutable and on chain, the present and the future depends on a bot that keeps running. WHY? Well thats what they where able to build and again you get TRUTH rewards and high rewards on pools, for accepting this fact.

Why is it not a problem? Well SPLINTERLANDS IS THE BIGGEST NFT GAME IN THE WORLD, and its build on this technology and aggroed dont want to hurt his business, so he has no reason to go out of service or do anything corrupted, so there you have it, strong incentive to let LasseCash ecosystem up and running and there are no competition!!

So that is why you should trust and use LasseCash ecosystem.

Its the best way I can explain it.

You heard it here first.


Posted using LasseCash


So first of yes you have to trust me ...

O.K. I will keep an open mind for a moment.

So yes I got 11 million LASSECASH at launch, and that number is down to like 5 or 6 million now,...

The richlist says different. No delegations out also. I have to go with the richlist on this one.

So, after the "trust me" it looks like that's not such a great idea.

Image Source: https://he.dtools.dev/richlist/LASSECASH


@lassecash is the rewards account, not my personal account... it says so also here: www.lassecash.com/about


Stop plagiarizing Richard Heart's response whenever he is questioned about the HEX OA. You own the keys to that account so you can access it whenever and for whatever reason. Remember the whole "Not your keys, not your wallet" thing "crypto expert" The @lassecash keys are yours. Think it through.


Like I wrote in the post, there are trust involved, but I never used those funds and never will, you have to trust that to trust LasseCash, its been clear since the beginning, thats how Hive Engine OUTPOSTs work. I been very transparent since the day 1, unlike all competition.

LEO also work this way.

Its a weakness, but on the other hand, you can get truth rewarded like no where else in the world.

I already wrote this in the post.


So the people who trusted you when you were blogging about HEX when it was between 10 and 56 cents and based on your posts they invested, do you think they trust you now?

You try to blend trusting you and your philosophy of Lassecash but those are not the same thing just like LASSECASH and LEO aren't.


Well we are in a bear market now and HEX will probably do another 10000X at one point in time.

About LEO, LEO founder have the keys to issue as many LEO as he wants, there is no full information and no small HARD CAP like on LasseCash.

LasseCash has a hardcap of 51 million and full information in posts on chain about the tokenomics from day 1, no competition have that, they make basically unlimited new tokens at their will, very corrupt.

Its not perfect that we have to hold the keys like that, I agree on that, but there is no way around it, thats just how Hive Engine are build. LasseCash is by far the best implementation, but go waste your money and time on leo if you want.


The founder of LEO also isn't, "Give me 250,000 HBD from community fund so I can buy up as much LEO tokens as I can to artificially inflate the price and deceive people about the real value of LEO token. If any of that 250,000 HBD is left over I'll promote Hive in a great way that I won't explain but trust me I will."

Yeah, you are asking for 60,000 HBD and not 250,000 HBD but when you just pull the budget you need out of your ass what's the difference?


you are changing the topic.

I have a plan on how to promote Hive and LasseCash with that funds, but lets see if the brainwashed Hive Whales will ever understand it. Hive needs marketing and have that to offer.

If I dont get the funds, which looks like is the case for a long time, then I have my own plan for how I move forward. Either way I win and everyone using LasseCash wins.


That's news to me because I've watched your latest video and you literally said you "had no plan" other than buying up as much Lassecash tokens as you can to pump the price of your token and you'll figure out how to promote Hive after your proposal is passed.

You're the one changing the topic trying to do a what aboutism for the LEO founder. The topic is your proposal and whether or not people should vote for your proposal to use community Hive funding to artificially pump you token price and something something somehow you'll promote Hive also.

If you are saying since posting your video you now have a plan to promote Hive then share it and justify the 60,000 HBD budget you claim you need.


About tribe/outpost's tokenomics or lack there of.


leo has 16 million out of 1 trillion in circulation, I never saw a plan for those tokens, seems like they could just issue more at will.

LasseCash on the other hand has a tokenomics plan since day 1, it was published in a post on the blockchain and has not changed ever since, its also described here: www.lassecash.com/about

basically its 11 million for me (for promotion and profits), 20 million for the first 10 years rewards and 20 million for rewards forever there after... its simple, its easy to understand and its earnest. yes I hold the keys, but there is a clear tokenomics plan, all the competition also hold the keys but usually have trillions of unissued tokens, so basically unlimited new tokens, that they have no plan for. Take that! If you dont understand this, then I cannot help you.


I said I dont want to make up a plan for the 60 days, but I have some ideas which I already made public. I want the freedom to do what ever I see fit. But yes the number one idea was to pump the price of LASSECASH and that would automatically drive a lot of attention, if you think that is scammy, then that is your problem, its transparent, so its not scammy at all. Another idea was to branch out into IRL marketing from time to time, but I dont want to lay out a final plan or report to anybody, so in the end it would be based on trust that I will act in LasseCash/Hive's best interest with that money.


Again, LEO isn't proposing to manipulate the price of LEO using community funding. You are. Your proposal is the topic.

I want the freedom to do what ever I see fit.

Then go fund yourself with all that HEX investment gain you keep bragging about. If you want community funding then that means at least a little less freedom because generally people want to know exactly what they are voting for. You somehow have an exact figure of 60,000 HBD but can't seem to justify that amount.

Of course it's 'scammy". You are talking about using community funds that instead of going toward adding utility to the Hive blockchain you think that some of that should go to you so you can buy your own token and "Gee, it said in a blog post that I was manipulating the price of my token. My post is hidden due to my low reputation score on the platform but trust me bro and if some suckers didn't read my hidden post and they think the price of Lassecash is real legitimate demand rather than manipulation then that's they're tough luck."

I understand Richard Heart is your idol and you want to be like him so go scam on Pulsechain or the Ethereum blockchain he copy-pasted from to make Pulsechain and don't scam on Hive.


we will have to agree to disagree, now leave me the hell alone, I want to focus on people that are actually truthers and flat earther and not some ballhead like you!!!


Not how that works. You made a proposal and as a Hive user I have every right to express my views and make relevant counterpoints to your proposal. If you want just 0.01 HBD from the DHF fund that's something you need to accept.


I think I more then heard all you brainwashed stupid thoughts, so thats why I say, leave me alone, I have better things to do then to listen to you, and teaching you how things work... the proposal speaks for itself, consider all my answers gifts, that you got extra. BYE!


Hive doesn't need your Richard Heart-lite scam manipulating Lassecash token. It looks like the Hive community realizes giving you DHF funding so you can buy your own token to manipulate the price of Lassecash is your attempt at a Ponzi scheme. Once you start manipulating the price you'll need to keep manipulating it to keep it high and Hive has better things to fund through the DHF than your proposed scam.


This post was about the tokenomics, not the proposal, but lets end there here and now, with:

My idea is SOLID and EARNEST, you are stupid and that is not my fault, but your fault.

I did never ever run a scam.

Go away!


Earnest (adjective) - resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction.

The dictionary definition of earnest isn't "Give me money so I can buy my own tokens from myself to pump the price of my token up so others will be duped into thinking there is real demand while I upvote myself hundreds of dollars a day for posting pseudoscience and promoting crypto shit. Oh, and that will spillover to Hive somehow and benefit it but that's only if there's anything left over after spending 60,000 HBD on my own coins."

You can't compare other Hive-Engine tokens to Lassecash when you are trying to rebrand Lassecash from shitcoin to scam.


Dude you are brainwashed and you are stupid.

There is nothing wrong in buying up a token to pump the price, when one say that is what is happening, the price is real no matter who is buying.

Also you dont know the earth is flat... so yes I just want you out of my life... GO AWAY.


There's "sweeping the floor" by using a few SWAP.HIVE to keep a token above a certain price (e.g. 0.001 SWAP.HIVE) and then there's your Give me 60,000 HBD to buy up as much Lassecash as I can. Will I just use the keys to @lassecash and dump 9 MILLION Lassecash on the market and immediately just buy it all back from myself at whatever inflated price I set? Well, you'll just have to trust I won't and even if I do that's technically doing what I said I would do.

One is reasonable and the other one is what you described in your latest video post.

Looking at you in the video saying, "Where's my reward? Where's my reward?...Where's my reward?" makes me think you are more likely to just exit Hive with 60,000 HBD from the community fund because you've been trying to get rich quick shilling your token and losing almost all of your investment in Richard Heart's HEX scam was the last straw.

You've been complaining that you haven't gotten any rewards for your posts in years. Nobody told you to keep posting after it was obvious to you that nothing you post is getting rewarded anymore. That's not @themarkymark's fault. That's not @holovision.cash's fault. That's your fault and it's your fault I just sounded like Dr. Phil which I really, really hate.

The value of a post is subjective. Did you see my reply to your latest video post? I put effort and creativity into that reply after watching that video. Nobody has upvoted that reply yet, nobody probably will, and I don't expect anybody to even though I watched you ramble on for almost an hour on YouTube and I was able to fight the urge to blind and deafen myself with a pencil to make it stop. That alone without a reply should be compensated in a just world.

You might not think my creativity and effort in that reply is worth anything and that's fine. If I started whining "Where's my reward? Where's my reward?...Where's my reward?" I bet you'd think I look as pathetic as you looked in the video doing the exact same thing.


And I would not be buying the tokens from myself, there are 140 people in the LasseCash pool, and that is primarily the tokens I would be buying... I am really really tired of explaining even the simplest of concepts to you...

As I said I got better things to do... GO AWAY!
