Cultivating chicks and ducks


I will share some photos that I took in the blangpulo area where in this photo shows some pictures of pets that will be ready to harvest with a maintenance period of between 4 to 6 months.

This chicken is almost the same type as free-range chicken, but it's a little different with a relatively fast harvest period, whether it's laying eggs or being sold to collectors to be resold in markets. I just don't know the name of the chicken.

I'm here just to learn how to cultivate chickens and ducks properly and correctly because coincidentally this business belongs to my own friend, with minimal capital he started this business and in just a month he will harvest these chickens regularly.

he focuses on chicken farmers but he also raises several ducks to be an alarm if there is danger approaching, be it animals or people who are nosy and evil. So my post today, I hope you like it
