Happy sweet sixteen


Saturdays are always the best for Delia because she had time to sleep to her satisfaction unlike week days where she had to wake up really early to catch up with her school bus.

She rolled from one side of the bed to the other yawning and stretching with her eyes tightly closed. The sun peeped in through her slightly closed blind and it's Ray settled on her face.

She opened her eyes slowly but the Ray of the sun didn't let her open them completely. She grumbled at the sun for shining on her face and waking her up at such a time of the day but it was too late because the brightness of the sun's ray had rubbed off sleep from her eyes.

She sat up in her bed as she rolled her eyes everywhere in her room. She turned up her blind and the sun shone properly inside. The atmosphere was beautiful, the birds chirped, the wind blew and the trees danced to the rhythm of the wind.


Everything seemed so perfect for Delia. Her hair flew from one direction to another as the cool breeze blew on her face. "This Saturday is just perfect for me" she said to herself as she moved from her window to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

After brushing, she realized her house was quiet, could her parents still be sleeping at this time? She thought as she looked at the wall clock in her room. "I'm always the last to wake up around here on Saturdays" she said as she opened the door and walked out of her room.

"Mom! Dad! Where's everybody, what's all this? I'm hungry here. Mom!" She moved from room to room but found no one there. Even her aunt was out as well. She got tired of searching and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. There was no food cooking so she took a few slice of bread.

As she turned to walk out of the kitchen, her family members all stood by the door and shouted "Happy birthday Delia" she was shocked that she forgot about her own birthday. "Who does that"? She asked herself as she hugged everyone present at that time.


She couldn't believe she could forget her birthday, it's okay now because she's got the best family who always got her back. She smiled when she saw her mom bring out her cake from the oven. It was such a beautiful birthday cake and on it was writtenhappy sweet sixteen.


I like Saturdays too. I don't get to wake up early to do anything. I'll just roll lazily from one side of the bed to another. Happy birthday to Delia.


Saturdays are the best especially with a fair weather. Thanks fr stopping by. Enjoy your Saturday 💞. !PIZZA
