
Sami Fitness

Hi! This is Sami! Your Health & Fitness Coach from Home. I am a mother of two; A fitness nut with a lot of love to give!!! I truly believe in strengthening and challenging the mind, body and soul and I encourage others to believe in themselves and in their power. My passion for good health and fitness lead me to becoming a certified coach in various group training formats and a certified Personal Trainer. My participants are ranging from Kindergarten to seniors as well as prenatal and parents with babies. I bring Simplicity, energy and excitement to each class to motivate my participants, to make them workout, have fun and love their path to a happier being and a healthier living. Community and Family are essential to me, which is why my Fun Fitness classes support as many great causes as possible. I am grateful to spread the love and share my fitness passion. ~ Take care all! Sending you love with an extra side of Gratitude ~
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