Beautiful and red twilight

Your color fades like dusk
Your light is also helpful and full of meaning
Your beautiful face sticks in your eyes and blooms in your chest
You, the legends of ancestral relics full of history

In the city ..........
The village children miss the logos that have served
The color that looks like dusk has been forgotten for a long time
But with the light of his life he will not go out
You, the logos that teach the meaning of life







In every spark of your light ..........
The hearts of the village children are covered with a blanket of longing
Love stories that have passed will never be lost and dusty
You remain and are remembered all the time
Yes, you are the logos we know through father and mother

In the depths of the night .........
The breeze reminded me of the warm logos
Its light, which is full of meaning and teaches the meaning of life, is now missed
Although it has disappeared in the present, your story will never be lost because you are the legacy of your ancestors

Thank you very much .........
I will never let go of your form in my chest
Your light that teaches the meaning of life is a meaningful thing
Your orange color feels like dusk reaping longing and wanting to meet
Logos full of history .........
