RE: Stefan Molyneux - Future


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You gont me confused there for a second. Well I KNOW THAT THE EARTH IS FLAT, do you?

I was a big fan of Stefan Molyneux for many years, but critic of him is that he is advocating "anarchocapitalism/anarchism" (which I am also 100%), but he often talk within the frame of statism in his talks, like refering to statism research and statistics forexample, this is a contradiction in my oppinion AND he is ignorant to that the earth is flat and the Illuminati as a whole.

So in the end, he migth be useful in some strictly logical arguments that is not related to flat earth and Illuminati, but actually in many case I am not even sure that is the case anymore. When he dont know the nature of the place we live and the powers that brainwashed the masses, all his talks kind-of falls to the grown as time waste.

Posted using LasseCash
