My daugther - the 12 years case


I have not been given any rights (as they call it) to see my own daughter, I have been fighting for this since her birth 12 years ago.

I have a son who is 11 years old and I have contact with him till this day, via the Swedish justice system.

So its a long story now, the most important now is that I made a list of lawyers who work under the support system from the state (the state pay most of the lawyers salary) and are located in Copenhagen (as I have bad experiences with lawyers living in Jutland close to where my daughter live), it was very complicated for me to even generate this list, since "the system" has mislead me again and again.

Today I will contact those lawyers, its exactly 20 lawyers on the list. Then I will try to document what they say on the phone, if they even are contactable, usually its a mean secretary I get on the phone. Trust me being in this situation is literally hell.

I will document it here (conversations with lawyers over the phone):

Jens Christian von der Maase: Ask into the situation and conclude he don't want to help me. No further argumentation, just wasting my time en effort.

Karin Dawson Svenningsen: ring igen

Klavs Brammer: ring igen

Lone Refshammer: Har ikke tid og siger at barnet selv bestemmer om det vil se sin far, jeg siger hun ved ikke at jeg er hendes far, så hvordan kan barnet selv bestemme, det svarer hun ikke på.

Per Andreasen: venter hans opkald 51943028

Sonja Toft: Lægger venlig telefonbesked og jeg kan ringe imorgen mellem 10 og 11.

Efter dette dropper jeg at kontakte flere af de 20 advokater.

Min konklusion

Konklussionen er at systemet ikke virker, hvis mødre vil tage et barn fra faren kan hun det uden problemer. Min konklusion efter 12 år med opkald til retsinstanserne.

The conclusion is that the justice system does not work, if a mother want to take a child from the father, she can do that without problems. My conclusion after 12 years of contacting the justice authority.


the justice system does not work

You have my sympathies. I'm sorry Lasse, this system is rigged against people in equal proportion to their dissidence. This spiritual world system only show "grace" to those who bow down before them. These demons use covert and subtle tactics to legitimize their attacks against the dissidents.

It's worldwide spiritual warfare, heating up quickly. They loose in the end.


Thank you for your donation and support. I think your words are very true and I wich I knew this 12 years ago or more, it could have saved me a lot of trouble.

Its true that they use covert and subtile tactics all the time, the lawyers and everyone else involved in this satanic system. They make it sound like I am the problem all the time and ask huge amount (unrealistic huge amounts of money for their "service" which I cannot get anywhere else right??? ) to me it is a sick system and most people don't see, don't know it, wont think about it or admit it. They make it look like I am the bad guy and they kidnapped my daughter at the same time. It is hell on earth!

I want to ask if the bible talks about this?


I want to ask if the bible talks about this?

The bible talks about the one-world-government that will dominate for a time.

It's prophecies that a "Beast" government would rise up, (the Roman Empire) but then fall by the sword, yet continue to live (current world order), then a second "Beast" will rise up (new world order) and cause everyone to worship the image of the beast. Not a literal image of a beast, but a imaginary image - perhaps an image depicting a world with no Heaven or Hell, with no firmament and no end... just like John Lennon's "imagine"

Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky... Imagine there's no countries... And no religion, too... I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one

Interesting that the image of the globalists is... the globe! No Heaven, no hell, no dome firmament (only sky), no countries, no religion (only science).

I believe that the "beast" government will cause the world to worship this godless image. This current satanic system (state-ism) will be destroyed and reformed (like a phoenix rising from the ashes), but it will be the same Satanic spirit operating in a "enlightened new age" including new technology, monetary system, governmental system and mandatory compliance and "inclusion". The second beast (one world government) will have horns "like a lamb" and a mouth "like a dragon" and many people will believe this abomination will be the reign of Christ. This is the false prophet warned of in the bible. Anti-Christ.

They make it look like I am the bad guy and they kidnapped my daughter at the same time.

A father has a natural right to be the acting father to his daughter, the state does not have the right to separate families, even if they have the "power". They make you look like you are the bad guy because they can see that you are not a part of their system and that you are already fighting the illuminated new age. They will do whatever they can to make people who see what is happening look foolish, and cause people to question their sanity.


It makes sense what you write, but if god is real, why he is letting all this happen? And do you believe the bible came from god? Whats your proof?

I started to believe that satan is behind behind statisme and all that, I understand that. But I don't understand why the church live of taxes? I mean taxation is theft according to the none aggression principal and therefore its criminal behaviour. How can the church then live of taxes? Did Jesus approve taxes?


And what do you mean with "heating up quickly"?? Is there a trend, havn't they done this for ages?


i feel really sad for you as you are father i can understand the pain you would be having but we cannot do things against the law and the lawyers always try to loot us as you contacted the lawyer near to your daughter he also mistreated you.

i wish you best of luck for the contracts btw i think it's 6 days old post so what happened with the call ?? did the list worked ? or the secretaries were moving you here and there ?



Basically they want a large sum of money to take the case, which is unrealistic for me to pay and even if I did then 99% sure I would still not see my daugther, so she is effectually kidnapped... its hard to explain... but what @ironshield wrote is very true:

"These demons use covert and subtle tactics to legitimize their attacks against the dissidents."

It is like that, they make it look like I am the bad guy, even I did nothing and they kidnapped my child!


that's very very bad may God punish them for destroying relationship of father and daughter
