Using Crypto To Buy A New Laptop


The recent downturn in the crypto markets kind of spoiled my earlier plans. Taking the opportunity, I've begun building up some Litecoin in my portfolio. With the Litecoin I'm earning now, I'll put most of that money into purchasing a new laptop.

My earlier plans revolved around taking trips around the US and hanging out with friends and family at the theme park but I may have to postpone this. This really isn't too much of an issue considering I'm often hanging out with them anyways and going out too. So its not a big deal to not take a larger vacation. The laptop can also help if we do end up going on trip, especially since I am confined to my computer and uncomfortably sometimes to my cellphone normally.

The laptop I'm looking at right now is around $900, so that is my goal, but it is very likely by the time I save up around $900 in Litecoin the computer I want will be much cheaper. I'll likely settle for a laptop around $600, if that is the case.

I'll probably be saving up for different things depending on the crypto, like maybe a new vehicle by saving up Bitcoin. Seems like an interesting idea.


Splitting up your goals into different cryptos sounds great.
