A Call For Help



I never knew what it meant to be weighted or feel heavy. I guess all my life, I thought it's only chubby and fat people hat felt heavy and tired most times or all the time.
I was glad or let's say I wasn't worried since I was slim, did I just say slim? Something close to thin or what we call lanky here. I used to feel insulted when people complain about me being too thin, I scorned and warned them that I was only slim and not thin.

I agreed, a few times I got sick that I lose so much weight that it would be so visible.
But after a while, this year to be exact, I started gaining weight should I say I looked a bit healthier than what anyone could dare say or call me thin or lanky.
But did that change anything? No!
Some started teasing me saying I was chubby and not slim ( tell me about it) just a few months ago, they thought I was too thin or way too slim, and now they think I am chubby just because I have added a few pounds? (I guess)

Well, that wasn't the reason for this. My cry here is that I feel a little too heavy than necessary. I get easily tired after each meal as if I have been overfed or something, I don't know why.
It's a cry for help cause I don't know what to do any longer? If I stop eating or start dieting I will starve and I don't know what will be the result of that.
But again, each time I wanna have a proper meal, I end up being tired and overfed.
So guys please help me out here and tell me what to do in such a situation. Your help will be highly welcomed and appreciated.
Thank you and I am looking forward to it.


My dear viewers and readers!
Thank you guys for being my source of encouragement here, with all the time you dedicate to my blog with your upvotes and reblog, your comments, and feedback as well.
Your support is my biggest encouragement and I will always be grateful for it

             24 November 2021


I can relate to your experience with people's comment.

I use to be the slimmest in my family about 4years ago, and people tend to make a joke of it, but fast forward to present day; I've grown so chummy than my siblings, and instead of encouragement I got the same joke of being a fatty etc.

But I learn not to pay much attention to people's criticism.


Lol, it's funny when you mentioned fatty lol.
Well, I am still very far from being fat. Just that I feel heavy most times.


people can be so crazy sometimes!!! lol

they are not happy with themselves so they need to project their own unhappiness onto others, right???

it's sad!

but I agree with you - let's not pay attention to them - lets just focus on what we know we need to do - and do it :)


Yes. We just have to focus on what makes us happy and what we truly want for ourselves.


Dear friend,

People are never satisfied. It would be best to simply revel in self-love, and pursue whatever body goals you personally deem fit to desire for yourself.

As for the being tired and overfed part. Lol, hello, are you me? I definitely know what you mean, because I used to experience exactly the same thing myself (I actually still do sometimes) and I think I can say this about it...

Have you heard about the saying, "we eat with our eyes"... Well, I will explain. Let's say you would be satisfied with 4 slices of bread for breakfast, and you wouldn't be hungry again until noon. Guess what? If you were served 10 slices and a plate of scrambled eggs, alongside a bottle of coca-cola, it is very likely that you will end up eating way more than that four slices you need. And I bet you that you would be taking the bottle of coke with you, even though you didn't finish it on that one sitting. You may just slowly sip it over the next hour or two...

You get the point? We don't need to eat so much most of the time, but because we can see that extra slice of bread or plate of beans, or whatever it is in front of us, we tend to automatically reach for it as well.

So, I think a little discipline helps, knowing that every meal shouldn't be a feast... And that we needn't eat with our eyes.

Trust me, I treat every meal as a feast myself which is why I think I can relate to this. I also added weight quite quickly too when I started eating like that, and I am learning to eat just once a day this time around, to adjust.

I hope this helps.


😂😂🤣 oh my God, this got me laughing so loud and smiling too lol.
You know why? Cause I am still eating right now and I can't even start telling you the mountain of food I just devoured😂
I know I am indirectly causing myself the harm of eating so much, mind you, I am not a glutton but I just love eating especially if it's a meal I love lol.
Talking about feasting, I guess that's what happens to me most times, and I think I should reduce it.
Thanks for this, I truly appreciate and I am tagging you @seesladen so you would know how much I appreciate this. 🤗🤗


What a fabulous comment!!! Thank you so much for pouring your heart into this!!! Not just giving her advice but also coming alongside her and sharing your story!

It's comments like yours that make me beam with joy when I read posts on hive

thank you for sharing yourself and connecting! :)


hi there!

first of all - know that if you are healthy- you are blessed!

and if your heart is golden - then you are beautiful!

let me just say that right off the start! hehehehe

and then - if you are feeling unhealthy and tired? then you are like me lately too! so I understand! lately i've been eating too many sweets and not being active enough!

so let's just begin to be more active in the day?

then we can feel better!!!

and dont listen to what people say when they tease. it's just best to know in your heart that you are a work in progress, right? No one is perfect

We just need to strive to treat ourselves and our bodies with honor - and that is good! :)

sending you love!!!


Yes. I like the last statement. Treating ourselves and bodies with honor😊 love it.
Thank you so much for these words. I needed them


I'm so glad it helped!!!

we need to remind one another of these things! because we can be so hurtful to ourselves -right???

and we need to be kind!

the world is cruel enough - we need to always be kind to ourselves (and each other!) :)
