Thoughts on American politics right now.. Hindsight is...


I'm a Republican stating my opinion.

I can understand why people don't like Trump. It is what it is, I can get specific and try to share what I believe is really going on but to a lot of people it's pointless and I'm being ignorant. Yeah ok whatever.

A lot of people in this day and age, Republican or democrat, truly refuse to look themselves in the mirror. Both sides blame each other and say they are both being hypocrites. It's a crazy and constant cycle.

Not sure what my point is with those statements but I just wanted to share some thoughts.

I've lived in the suburbs and the inner city. I used to be of a Democratic mindset for two reasons. I resented authority like parents and teachers and government, and because everyone else I knew was Democratic. I was a man totally in my feelings and not thinking about what's right or wrong.

I figured why not let people do what makes them happy? If it makes people happy, then who cares?


But in my opinion Democratic views aren't really about doing what makes people happy, it's about having no discipline or respect. Many times it's literally just people who never grew out of their rebel stage and now those personality traits are ingrained in them.

If people want to commit their political views to being a Democrat, I wonder if they would have their family members or, more specifically, their own children have Democratic values?

Trump might be very rough around the edges to some people, but do Democrats think anything will improve with Biden?

I completely fail to see how that man will do anything productive for America after Trump. All I see is tougher lockdowns and less freedom. More hate towards conservatives. Less financial freedom. Taxes for days. Free money for people.

Not to mention the terrible moral ethics of Democrats. It seems to be there mission to destroy anything normal and sane.

Everyone screaming for Trump to get out, I wonder how happy these people will really be with this Biden presidency. I hope they're ready for the repercussions. The consequences of this might not be felt until I'm an old man, it's sad.

I'm so grateful I can vent some of these feelings on here. Lord knows these views won't be allowed on FB or any other social media.


Wonder how long until they shove Harris in... That will be another post LOL


I'm so grateful I can vent some of these feelings on here. Lord knows these views won't be allowed on FB or any other social media.

It is nice to be able to share our political thoughts without fear of censorship. One of the things I absolutely love about HIVE.

I was a staunch democrat growing up too. I'm still very liberal in much of my ideology but feel the party has changed a lot over the last 20 years or so. The current state of the democrats reminds me of the nosy, busy-body neighbor nobody likes and is always sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.

Although I'm more conservative in my older years I view the Republican party as the staunch authoritarian husband of the nosy neighbor and head of the homeowners association. A stickler for the rules, always hassling the kids playing in the street, and just as annoyingly sticking his nose where it doesn't belong as well. Micro managing the community and telling everyone how they should be living their life.

I've found comfortable middle ground as a libertarian. Regardless, I don't think either of the two party system have the peoples best interest at heart anymore. We need a strong third party for people in the middle. We need to support liberty, freedom and small government. We need term limits for the house and senate and we need to remove corporate interests from government. The government no longer supports it's constituents, it supports corporate America. IMHO both parties are losing their way and we need something new that shares the values of liberty, freedom and noninvasive government. I honestly think the importance of noninvasive government can't be stressed enough. These people are growing completely out of control on BOTH sides.


Wow I actually really agree man with like everything you said! I appreciate this comment a lot thanks.for sharing your views! :) term limits is something I think would be a great significant and positive change of that could happen. People finding careers like that in politics feels so wrong and perverted if that makes sense. A third party could be a really great and healthy solution. It's something I will definitely ponder myself. Hive on sir!


Thanks man! Career politicians and corporate interest in politics are a huge problem that needs to get addressed in this country. The sooner the better IMO.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts as well 😀 Hive on!


I don't think Democrats lack respect for authority. They are deeply authoritarian, too. They want a cradle-to-grave welfare state, after all, with a micromanaged economy and moralistic busybodies running surveillance on everyone.

Meanwhile, Republicans love to talk about free markets and individual rights, but they also love imposing corporate cartels, prohibitions, and a parasitic military-industrial complex.

As both sides further polarize over the concentration of power and who should wield it, is it any wonder tensions continually rise?


Interesting thoughts that definitely make me think I appreciate your input. In a way I feel like the Democrats are authoritarian I agree, they want to make sweeping changes in the country all in the name of feelings and progressivism. Republicans are not perfect but I feel they have slightly more logic and are slightly less evil.


I became politically aware in the 1990s. Clondon's gun ban and the rhetoric surrounding the welfare state led me to lean Republican. In the early 2000s, Bush may have been ineloquent, but he at least seemed to mostly be saying the right things. Then 9/11 happened, and I was swept up in the jingoism of the day like pretty much everyone else.

Over time, I started questioning the Republican narrative, too. I could still respect the Ron Paul libertarian-leaning side of the party, but the war hawks and police State crowd rubbed me the wrong way by 2008.

I never fell for the Obama hype, and any small hopes that he would earn his peace prize retroactively were swiftly dashed. I'm no fan of government monopoly medicine, but Obamacare wasn't even that, just a mandate handing more power to the corporate cartels that would make the left's stereotype of Republicans blush.

When Trump was elected, I still hoped he would act on his rhetoric to end wars overseas, but he did poorly on that front. He also did more to ban guns than anyone since Clinton with the regulatory rewrites on bump stocks and 80% receivers. His spending has also been completely out of control.

I don't think there is a political solution. The country is too deeply divided, petty partisanship trumps principles, and trying to choose the lesser of two evils is still definitely choosing evil, while the "lesser" aspect remains conjecture.
