Film Review: Teaching Mrs. Tingle (1999)


In 1990s Kevin Williamson established himself as one of the most successful writers in Hollywood thanks to immensely popular teen-themed films like I Know What You Did Last Summer and Scream series as well as teen television series Dawson Creek. On the other hand, attempt to establish himself as a director with his 1999 black comedy Teaching Mrs. Tingle failed.

Protagonist, played by Katie Holmes, is Leigh Ann Watson, high school student who studies very hard, determined to graduate with best grades possible and thus get accepted to college that would allow her to leave her small home town of Grandsboro, California and start new and better life. The impediment to her plans is Mrs. Eve Tingle (played by Helen Mirren), old and cynical history teacher who doesn’t hide her dislike of Leigh Ann and seems willing to give her lower grades out of spite. This problem appears to be solved due to the efforts of Luke Churner (played by Barry Watson), student who happens to be love interest of Leigh Ann’s best friend Jo Lynn Jordan (played by Marisa Coughlan). He steals the copy of history test from Tingle’s office and gives it to Leigh Ann, thus allowing it to prepare proper answers in advance. Unfortunately, Mrs. Tingle learns about it and tells Leigh Ann that she will get expelled from school. Leigh Ann, Luke and Jo Lynn go to Mrs. Tingle’s home hoping to talk her out of it, but diplomatic mission turns into physical altercation resulting in Mrs. Tingle being tied to bed. While three teenagers contemplate what to do next Mrs. Tingle proves that she can make their pupils’ life miserable even when subdued and skilfully manipulates with their petty jealousies.

This film, originally title Killing Mrs Tingle, was expected to be big hit, based on the Williamson’s previous record with teen-related films. Williamson had misfortune of film being originally scheduled short time after Columbine High School massacre, an event that suddenly made its premise – violent confrontation between high school teacher and students – look inappropriate and again exposed Hollywood to accusations that it promotes violence in its products. Film’s release was pushed back and the title changed into somewhat more appropriate Teaching Mrs. Tingle. However, even with such measures, Teaching Mrs. Tingle turned into a flop. Main reason could be found in Williamson who, while talented writer, simply doesn’t possess directorial talents of Wes Craven or Robert Rodriguez that handled his scripts so well in Scream or The Faculty. Another problem is the script which uses premise that could be used as dark comedy, but Williamson seems more comfortable in treating as basis for straight drama. Teaching Mrs. Tingle is another typically Hollywood film that tries to tell that a life in a small town is fate worse than death and another one that tries to pander to teen audience with anti-authoritarian and seemingly anti-establishment message directed at adults, in this case, teachers, as cause of all of teen protagonists’ problems. Teachers are portrayed as depraved, evil creatures that dare to ask their pupils to actually study and, as such, they deserve to be confronted with any means. This is, among other things, a reason why film ends with protagonists, rather unconvincingly, escape something that would happen to anyone trying to repeat their actions in real life - criminal prosecution for fraud, home invasion, abduction and grievous bodily harm.

Despite all that, Teaching Mrs. Tingle is watchable and even entertaining film in the first half, when Williamson sets up interesting characters and its bizarre plot. It is in the second part, when he has to resolve such plot, film begins to suffer Williamson introduces unconvincing farce as a solution. As a result, gags are predictable and often not funny. What saves general impression to a degree is good performance by Helen Mirren, matched well by Marisa Coughlan who easily outshines Katie Holmes. The characters are nevertheless dislikeable and the whole film in the end represents huge waste of time, that could be recommended only to those desperately nostalgic towards 1990s pop culture or fans of Katie Holmes.

RATING: 3/10 (+)

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Kevin Williamson is still one of the best.
