Seeking Jobs, The Hard Way : A Freewrite


It can be disheartening to be seeking a job for an extended period of time and not have any success. It's natural to feel frustrated and unsure of what to do next. However, it's important to remember that finding a job is a process and it may take time. It's important to stay positive and believe in yourself, as this can help to maintain your motivation and determination.

One of the keys to finding a job is to not give up and to keep pushing forward. This may mean continuing to search for job openings and applying for positions, even if you have been rejected in the past. It can also be helpful to network and reach out to people in your field, as this can help to open up new opportunities.

It's also important to stay healthy and take care of yourself during this time. This may mean finding ways to manage stress, such as through exercise or other activities that you enjoy. It's also important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and make time for yourself and your personal interests.

An entry into @mariannewest every day freewrite


it becomes harder to find a suitable job in work country, even hard work is worthless
