Not good to be good all the time

Photo by lucas Favre

Some weeks back, I had written about my friend who has been selling a lot of things that he has lately and how he had sold his generator, even though I was completely against the idea.

Well something happened today that got me so pissed off that I almost ended up fighting that guy, the one who bought the generator from my friend. According to my friend, the guy had only given him part of the money for the generator and their agreement had been that he would pay up on the 20th of last month, an agreement he refused to honor and would always look for ways to avoid paying up that money while promising to pay some other time.

Well, today ended up being the day where I felt enough was enough because the guy owing him was someone who had two commercial vehicles and made a lot more than that money he was owing everyday, also, my friend needed that money to pay off some debts he had and the lady he was owing was beginning to ask for her money day and night. So it was an emergency, one that needed to be handled ASAP.

And that was why I had gone with my friend to go meet this guy later this afternoon to ask for his balance, but the response we got wasn't what I was expecting. According to the guy, he claimed that the generator my friend had sold to him wasn't a good one because he was on his way to go repair it and therefore he wasn't going to pay him his remaining balance.

The moment he said that, I lost it and here's why. Up till the time my friend sold that generator to him, my friend had actually made some connections on his generator earlier last year, a connection that enabled the other guy (the one who bought it) to always have electricity whenever we turned on the generator. So this wasn't exactly his first time making use of it, the only thing that changed between last year and this year was the ownership but here he was, claiming that the generator sold to him was a bad one, the same generator he has been making use of for over six months now before he aquired it.

The whole thing got me so pissed off that I ended up walking away, but I made sure I reminded the guy of the fact that I never wanted my friend to sell the generator in the first place but when he did, I had told him to make sure to collect all of the money that night and not agree to part payment, an advise he had ignored and was now facing the consequences.

That whole experience today just reminded me of the fact that people can't be trusted and that we shouldn't always be considerate because it might end up biting us back. Sometimes, it's good to be selfish and do what we think is good for us without thinking twice about it because of someone else.


Whenever it's about money, people changes their colour with time. In case of financial thing no one can be trusted and this incident is just set another example of it. I think you friend needed to consider your suggestion in that time.


People change!

This whole thing has indeed taught me a lesson, a lesson to be strict and professional when it comes to financial things.

I don't care if you're my friend or not, we're doing things the right way.
