Trying to Survive - In the Street of Recife, Brazil by @jsantana


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Our quest lately has been for survival. It is not for the luxury, the superfluous, the temporal, but for the tranquility, the essential and durable things.

This pandemic time made us learn a lot. We learned that we are not indestructible, we also learned that "life is a breath", that it has its value, and we must preserve it as much as possible.

We are trying to survive and we survive. We have survived a virus, a financial crisis, a pandemic like no other in human history.

We will continue to survive, because the time after the chaos of the pandemic will be for us to "pick up the pieces" to rebuild everything we have lost, whether it is a relative or friend who died by COVID-19, or the financial losses caused by it.

We are trying and we will survive!


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