La mujer del retrato. / The woman in the portrait.



Phillip was so happy he had finally gotten the perfect house he dreamed of. He couldn't wait to move in with his beautiful wife and daughter. After years of being a tenant, he finally bought a house.

Though it was situated in the countryside, he didn't have a problem because the environment was beautiful, calm and safe for anyone wanting to live there plus he had a car that could take him anywhere he wanted.

The view outside his house was magnificent, the flowers, fresh air and the little river that flowed in the nearby woods. The house was owned by an old nun who passed away years back. The house had been up for sale for a long time before Phillip found it and bought it. It was quite cheap for its magnificence and Phillip didn't bother to find out why such a beautiful house was sold so cheap. He just took advantage of the opportunity and boom! He got the house.

His wife Victoria actually liked the photos she saw when her husband returned from purchasing the house. It was beautiful and she was so excited to finally own a house of her own. She couldn't wait to move in with her daughter and call for a housewarming party.

When they finally moved in, the place was more beautiful than the photos she was shown. She gasped as she toured around the house holding her daughter's hands. The kitchen was spacious enough, the rooms were big and nicely built, the living room was amazing too. Victoria couldn't help but praise how Lucky she was to own such a beautiful house at a very cheap rate.

After they settled and arranged everything, they invited family and friends for the housewarming party. The party was lit, her best friend couldn't believe her eyes, the house indeed was extraordinary and quite cheap. When the party was over, everyone retired to their homes leaving Victoria, her husband and daughter to enjoy their new home.

Days passed and things about the house began to unravel. There was a beautiful portrait of the nun hung somewhere in the living room, Phillip and his wife always procrastinated on when to take it down because of where it was hung.

One day while Adella was watching her favorite TV show, she heard a sound which made her look in the direction of the portrait. She couldn't move her eyes away as she looked on like someone that was hypnotized "mom…., mom… mommy! She screamed while pointing at the portrait on the wall and her mother immediately dashed out of the kitchen to see what happened.

"The woman in the portrait is alive! She rolled her eyes not too long ago," Adella said as she held on tight to the helm of her mother's skirt, trembling.

Victoria stared at the image for a long time as she tried comforting her scared child. "There's nothing there baby, it's just a portrait and the person there can't move or roll its eyes ok?" "But it…" "shh, shh, come help me in the kitchen now" she said, cutting her daughter's speech abruptly as they both walked to the kitchen.

To be continued...



Phillip estaba muy contento de haber conseguido por fin la casa perfecta con la que soñaba. No podía esperar a mudarse con su hermosa esposa y su hija. Después de años de ser inquilino, por fin había comprado una casa.

Aunque estaba situada en el campo, no tenía ningún problema porque el entorno era hermoso, tranquilo y seguro para quien quisiera vivir allí, además de que tenía un coche que podía llevarle a donde quisiera.

La vista fuera de su casa era magnífica, las flores, el aire fresco y el pequeño río que fluía en el bosque cercano. La casa era propiedad de una vieja monja que había fallecido años atrás. La casa había estado en venta durante mucho tiempo antes de que Phillip la encontrara y la comprara. Era bastante barata para su magnificencia y Phillip no se molestó en averiguar por qué una casa tan hermosa se vendía tan barata. Simplemente aprovechó la oportunidad y ¡bum! Consiguió la casa.

A su esposa Victoria le gustaron las fotos que vio cuando su marido volvió de comprar la casa. Era preciosa y estaba muy emocionada por tener por fin una casa propia. No veía la hora de mudarse con su hija y convocar una fiesta de inauguración.

Cuando finalmente se mudaron, el lugar era más hermoso que las fotos que le habían mostrado. Se quedó boquiabierta mientras recorría la casa de la mano de su hija. La cocina era bastante espaciosa, las habitaciones eran grandes y estaban bien construidas, el salón también era increíble. Victoria no pudo evitar elogiar la suerte que tenía de poseer una casa tan bonita a un precio tan barato.

Después de acomodar y arreglar todo, invitaron a familiares y amigos para la fiesta de inauguración de la casa. La fiesta se encendió, su mejor amiga no podía creer lo que veía, la casa era realmente extraordinaria y bastante barata. Cuando la fiesta terminó, todo el mundo se retiró a sus casas dejando a Victoria, su marido y su hija disfrutando de su nuevo hogar.

Pasaron los días y las cosas de la casa empezaron a desvelarse. Había un hermoso retrato de la monja colgado en algún lugar de la sala, Phillip y su esposa siempre postergaban el momento de quitarlo por el lugar donde estaba colgado.

Un día, mientras Adella veía su programa de televisión favorito, escuchó un sonido que la hizo mirar en dirección al retrato. No podía apartar los ojos mientras miraba como si estuviera hipnotizada "¡Mamá...., mamá... mamá! Gritó mientras señalaba el retrato en la pared y su madre salió inmediatamente de la cocina para ver qué pasaba.

"¡La mujer del retrato está viva! Ha puesto los ojos en blanco no hace mucho", dijo Adella mientras se agarraba con fuerza al timón de la falda de su madre, temblando.

Victoria se quedó mirando la imagen durante mucho tiempo mientras intentaba consolar a su asustada hija. "No hay nada ahí cariño, es sólo un retrato y la persona que está ahí no puede moverse ni poner los ojos en blanco, ¿vale?". "Pero es..." "shh, shh, ven a ayudarme a la cocina ahora" dijo ella, cortando el discurso de su hija abruptamente mientras ambas caminaban hacia la cocina.



It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. .....


Pendiente ahora para saber que pasa con el retrato.


Definitivamente, pronto sabrás lo que pasa. Gracias por leer 🥰


Seguramente nadie compraba la casa porque saben que está embrujada y por eso el precio tan barato. Personalmente yo hubiera quitado el cuadro de la monja a las primeras de cambio sin importar que esté en una posición incómoda.

Sobre el cuadro vivo, me recordó un poco a Harry Potter pero esta vez en un entorno de terror y no tanto de fantasía mágica.

Me pregunto qué le pasará después a esta familia?


Puedes apostar que la casa va a estar embrujada. Cuando una casa es extra barata es aconsejable hacer algunas averiguaciones antes de comprarla porque puede que ahora sepas qué secreto lleva. Gracias por leer el señor.


Noooo que va, sin duda de una quito ese cuadro y traigo un sacerdote para que bendiga ese hogar, y si las paredes son del color que muestras en la imagen, las mando a pintar más coloridamente y coloco pequeñas plantas de múltiples colores también. Y si después sigue habiendo cosas raras me voy sin pensarlo jajaja. Ya quiero leer la segunda parte @teknon.


Jajaja. Tienes muy buen sentido del humor. No he podido parar de reír cuando he leído tu comentario. No te preocupes que la segunda parte viene pronto. Gracias por leer hasta el final. Te lo agradezco de verdad 🥰.
