


10 min

I think anarcho capitalism is the best philosophy for the best society. Problem is we have statism and 95-99% of people don't even know what anarcho capitalism is...

So most people adhere to the state, so the rest of us, 1-5%, who believe in anarcho capitalism has to accept that we live in a statist society. If we don't then it has serious consequences for our lives, that is my experience.

As a result we have statism and even people talking about or promoting the idea of anarcho capitalism, ALL of them, have to adhere to statism most of the time.

Conclusion: Statism win, atleast in the times being right now.

On the other hand crypto currency is 100% anarcho capitalistic, as it per nature can't be regulated.

Stay blessed

Lasse Ehlers


I agree with you on the most part for anarcho-capitalism, however how can society deal with truly evil people if we are to agree to the principle of self-ownership.


I gave you a 5000 LASSECASH upvote, welcome to the LASSECASH tribe.

Its a good question you ask, how to deal with all the evil of statism? I believed for the past 7 years that we could wake up people to anarcho capitalism and fight statism together... but in my view most people don't even understand it or know about it... so I am very tired of this fight.

I don't think it will get solved in our life times, but we can hope.


Thanks, not so much the problem with statism, more human nature. I agree that people give their individual power away to government and governments can then abuse this power. That's why a voluntary government with complete transparency and voluntary taxes would be the most peaceful rather than an entity that rules by force.

However, since government is made up of people I think it is a reflection of the state of consciousness of society at the time (just like how in the past people believed it was normal to be ruled by an individual king or queen rather than what we have today).

It seems part of nature for hierarchies to form so it's likely that there will always be people that are told by people in positions of more power what to do, but maybe it's about finding ways of minimizing corruption and abuse within this structure? The other problem with extreme capitalism and free markets is that people would be seen as stock without human rights and work ends up going to those that would do it cheaply in third world countries.

If someone within the society murders someone else what can people do if they have to respect the principle of self ownership? How does society settle on important decisions? (maybe that's why small transparent governments would be better?).

I think if there was a universal awakening that led to world-wide peace it would work and people would realize they can govern themselves and not be governed but until then maybe we're at the right stage in society's development. Ego always seeks control with more power, so the more ego can be dissolved within a society the more peace it would bring.


It seems to me that you are partly arguing for minarchy? On an intellectual level I am 100% anarcho capitalist, but in today's practicality it is impossible to live as anarcha capitalist, other then spreading the word and being into crypto currency. Every-time we do something in society today all over the flat earth, then it involves statism in my view.

You ask how we would stop agressors that violate self-ownership in an anarcho capitalistic society? Well its done with private courts, that can judge people and punish them if they violate the non aggression principal. There theory is in place for this to happen and I believe it will work.

Again today the majority of people are brainwashed into believing in statism and 7 years ago I was more positive about waking those people up, today I am not so positive and believe it will not happen in our lifetimes... we see advocates of anarcho capitalism being corrupt so it is discomforting in the pursuit of changing the world.


Yeah, I agree with you and think moving towards anarcho-capitalism or smaller local government would be better. The less centralized the better.

I'm more optimistic and think times are changing. If you think about how centralized information was in the past with just tv and books for information and then the internet changing that completely. Although the social medias have become very centralized with lots of censorship, Blockchain is fixing this. We're pretty early still and it's hard to predict the future but things are starting to change pretty fast. Just look at how your world view has changed in the last few years.


Blockchain is a thorn in the side of statism, they don't even know it yet. They think if they devalue the tokens, people will loose interest in the technology. Not going to happen.

Posted using Partiko Android


Very true.

As a consequence we live in a mixed statism and anarcho capitalistic reality, where as statism still is maybe 95-99%... sadly.


O estatismo é impraticável, mas, o anarcocapitalismo também, é muito utópico, cria monopólios e uma sociedade com uma economia que nada difere de uma sociedade comunista. A minha filosofia política é o "anarcoindividualismo", sem rótulos, uma anarquia pura e baseada na cooperação social.


Não há monopólios no anarquocapitalismo, você precisa estudar mais o assunto. Essa é a minha 2 lassecash :)


That's very true, I totally agree with your idea sir, hopefully bless it
