Breaking Out! Starting Again!



When you stop doing a particular thing for a while, starting all over again is always a hard nut to crack. It takes so much to be able to get back on your feet and strike a balance once again.
I have experienced this from so many angles in my life.
I dumped painting and making sketches for a while, it took so much from me to be able to trace down my urge for it once again. I felt so reluctant especially when I think of the stress of having to start again, maybe not really from scratch still, I knew the experience wouldn't be the same again.
I knew I would forget most of the tactics and techniques of making really good and stunning sketches.
Though I wasn't really bothered per se, but I knew getting back on my feet would take a while and it will need me to discipline myself and start again.

The same happened for writing, though for writing, it could be the lack of inspiration or an experience of writer's block. It can be so frustrating anyway, but if words aren't flowing or aligning then there really isn't anything one can do to make it happen. So instead of stressing oneself about it, one just needs to take a break, cool off, find his or her inspiration again, and get the right footing to start all over again.

You will get to a point where nothing interests you and you find it very reluctant to do the things you used to enjoy doing. This happens, so chill, don't get upset when that time comes. Trust me, it's difficult to deal with, it can be annoying, frustrating, and disturbing at the same time. Like you know what you should do and there are needs to do those things yet you just can't find yourself doing them.
How devastating that can be right? Yes, it is and I can totally relate. Let's look at it from this angle, if such happens, what do you do to get yourself out of that shell and start over again?
What do you do to break off from that shackle and fit yourself right in again?
How do you start all over again? Maybe your opinion and idea on this can be of great help to someone out there so please do well to share.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to your responses.

Still your baby girl ;)


To my faithful readers and wonderful sponsors, my heart goes out to you guys. Thank you for making my journey here a fun-filled and exciting one. Thanks for trusting and supporting my work too. I pray that God bless you all real good :)

             15 November 2021



I get you and I know how hard it is for someone who has been doing a particular thing and left it for something else and trying to come back seems impossible and exhausting again.

I believe since it's what you have been doing before and it's your passion, you just have to find that one thing that motivates you into doing it.


I believe you understand me. Thanks dear for contributing your quota
