RE: Are we here for the gains, or for the freedom?


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You nailed it right were it should be. I know the financial prosperity through crypto is worthwhile and that's the reason why majority is in it. I came here because I need freedom just as you said.

I have personally invested so much resources on non crypto or web 2 social media in the past and yet got nothing good. I started my journey with social media back in the days of hi5, then MySpace, followed by others. I'm proud to say that I was one of the early Facebook users in Africa when it launched publicly in 2006.

At the time Facebook started, I was working for an offsure Internet service providing company and we were obliged by our boss in the USA to register immediately on Facebook for easier communication and engagement. We uploaded and downloaded a lot of data yet we're not paid. On top of that our activities on the site are converted to liquid case every seconds of the day.

I personally decided to leave Facebook completely this year after they brought down two power group I owned without committing any crime or sponsoring any ill activity. They told me my group was used by others to publish fake news that is against their terms of use. Each of the terminated group had over 90k and 80k members which I spent some years to build. To make things worst, they sent me to 3 days jail, meaning I was not able to use my Facebook account and they lied to friends that tried to reach me thorough a pop up message that I committed a very serious offence that made them shutdown my account for 72 hours.

After the drama, I decided no more facebooking, that's how I started hivebooking. And hivebooking is 500% rewarding in terms of freedom and other gains.


That’s a hefty story, but doesn’t surprise me one bit. The power these huge companies have is immense. They are above the law, sadly. Good that you left!
