Almost Got Taken Away Thinking I Was Enjoying The Ride

There is probably that one thing you've done that doesn't make any sense at all. No consequences, no benefits, just you being silly


There are things we do or engage in that at times when we sit down to think over it, it doesn't really make sense, I already decide to skip this write up because I really have no idea of any silly thing I might have engage in now or in the past until I remember this incident back in school, I really dont know If I and my two friend were really silly or not careful enough.

It happens back then in school, even though I rarely mingle with people and always stay at home, I still try my best to have some few friends and only two girls which one is my bestie. This day was really funny and I do laugh when I think about it, this very day we were hungry after we came back from school and decided to go to the market, both ladies didn't want to go alone so they drag me along, we took two bike to the market, if you know Nigeria's girl well enough, you will know it is really a bad idea following them to the market, they will stress your life with walk moving from one shop to another just to get the least price of what they want to buy, they really stress my life that very day, we move around and spent more time than expected, I was really tired and told them we should go home since we already brought most of the thing we need.

So we flag down the first bike who was a hausa man, we told him both girls are going to Ayepe road, there is something we actually forgot at that point, never ever call a hausa bike man without you directing him yourself even if he told you he knows the way. After telling him the location, he said he knew the way, so he took the two girls and instead went in the other direction, I flag down my own bike also a hausa guy, told him the location and he went through the same direction the first bike man went, I didnt say anything, since they took same direction without knowing each other, I thought they have a short cut they want to pass, like cut through corners, but I was wrong. They kept on going and going and before I realize what is going on, I started seeing new places I havent seen before and I notice people on the road were looking at our bikes as if they saw new faces, I was scared at some point to be honest, I was thinking if this is a kidnapping case, I will just press the bike man neck, but part of me was enjoying the ride and I even forgot I was hungry.


All of a sudden, I saw a street sign that said Welcome to Ayoporo, I was like What!!! and stop the bike man immediately, and I ask him what I suppose to ask him before, "Where are you taking me to" and he said ayoporo, I was like I told you Ayepe road, maybe his ear was paining him or he hear me wrong, I told him to take me back to the market, and also told the second bike man to go back. My bike man speed back to the market and I told him to take me to ayepe while I direct him this time and also said I will add small money to the money I will give him but he started vexing that he will take double of what he will collect. Something that wasn't my fault, he went the wrong way and when he didn't listen, I vexed to, called another bike in his presence and went off, didn't pay him since he was vexing at me and I didn't even look back and also reach home before the girls.

When the girls arrived home, three of us started laughing really hard at the the little ride experience we just had, they ask me who took me home since they saw the exact same bike man on their way looking for me, I was just laughing and told them he was vexing at me and I took another bike without paying him, maybe he was trying to trail me and miss his way lolz. It was a funny day and since then, anytime I flag down a bike, I always make sure it is a yoruba man and not a hausa bike man.


I will just press the bike man neck

You will press the bike mans neck?🤣 This part got me laughing real hard. If it was a kidnapping case you wouldn't have much time to think about that through.

and he said ayoporo, I was like I told you Ayepe road, maybe his ear was paining him

There was nothing wrong with his ear, he just refused to accept it was his fault. He knew if he accepted it was his fault he will have to charge you less. I had the same experience but mine was with a repairer.

I sent my phone for repair but this repairer spoilt something else and ended up blaming me for it, I had to bare a cost I didn't plan on.
