📸 Mini Macro World 🌎 | POBphotocontest: Green


📸 Mini Macro world 🌎 | POBphotocontest: Green

Hi Hive friends! How are you doing today?!

This is my entry for #POBPhotocontest created by @friendlymoose69. Invite you to join this great contest. Check hiw to participate here: @friendlymoose/pobphotocontest-new-round-green.

About picture

This picture was taken during a hike at praia Quatro Ilhas Located in Bombinhas. I decided to take this picture when i see the moss on a big stone on my way with a piece of shell nearby and wondered that was a small world located over the stone. It was a pretty cool day starting with this hike. At the end of the trail there is a little house with an incredible view. During this walk I saw 3 turtles swimming. Medium level trail but it was worth getting into the woods and enjoying the view.Foto tirada durante uma caminhada na praia Quatro Ilhas localizada em Bombinhas. Resolvi tirar essa foto quando vi o musgo em uma grande pedra no meu caminho com um pedaço de concha por perto e me perguntei que era um pequeno mundo localizado sobre a pedra. Um dia bem legal começando com essa caminhada. Ao final da trilha tem uma casinha com uma vista incrível. Durante essa caminhada cheguei a ver 3 tartarugas nadando. Trilha de nível medio mas valeu a pena se enfiar no meio do mato e curtir visual.

My entry


More pictures from this trail:




See you soon
