How to stake your idle crypto to earn more crypto using robiniaswap ?


In case you have some crypto which is lying idle in your trust wallet or metamask you may have the desire to put it to staking.

In this post I would be focusing on BSC or Binance smart chain based tokens and coins that you can access via metamask.

Before we go further a quick note in case you have steem in your steem account you can convert it directly to bsteem and start staking on the robiniaswap pool and start earning more cryto using your idle steem.
I have done a detailed post regarding this and it can be found here

What all crypto's can one stake on Robiniaswap ?

Let us talk about the staking options on the robiniaswap pools.
All the Pool staking options can be found here

Currently at the time of writing this post the pool options are as listed below
The RBS Pool ~ Stake RBS Earn RBS this has a pretty high APR currently
WBNB Pool ~ Stake WBNB earn RBS tokens
CAKE Pool ~ Stake cake earn RBS tokens
BTCB Pool ~ Stake BTCB and earn RBS tokens
ETH Pool ~ Stake ETH and earn RBS tokens
BUSD Pool ~ Stake BUSD and earn RBS tokens
USDT Pool~ Stake USDT and earn RBS tokens
DOT Pool ~ Stake DOT and earn RBS tokens
RINI Pool ~ stake RINI & earn RBS tokens
ADA Pool ~ stake ADA & earn RBS tokens
BBLURT Pool ~ Stake BBLURT & earn RBS tokens
MOON Pool ~ stake MOON & earn RBS tokens

However at the time you may be reading the post you may find a different set or more options added.
This could be primarily on account of the fact that RobiniaSwap team is actively encouraging crypto projects to get on board and start their staking pools in order to promote their projects.

The big question from where to get these tokens for staking in the Robiniaswap pools ?

A fair question indeed
You may have cake tokens in your wallet which you can directly stake on the cake Robiniaswap pool
However for the rest of the tokens I would list the process.
For the RBS Pool you would need RBS tokens
For this purpose you need to open and connect the site with your funded metamask wallet.
If you have BNB tokens on the BSC then you can perform a BSC to RBS exchange as follows
Open and click the exchange option as shown in image below.

1-pancakeswap exchange.jpg

Select the suitable exchange pair
For example if you hold Binance chains on the BSC select that in the top field and the crypto that you want for staking needs to be put in the lower field.

bnb in top.jpg

When I try putting RBS in the lower part I get the following response

rbs not found.jpg

Oh my pair is not available in the Pancakeswap

If you encounter such a situation then what you need to do is put the contract address of RBS token.

How to get the contract address of RBS tokens

Always trust only the trusted social media channels of the project to ask the support team and get the contract address
The Contract address of RBS is 0xafaeee58a58867c73245397c0f768ff041d32d70
So we put the contract address in place of RBS as shown in the image below

add contract of rbs.jpg

Click the import button to import it to your pancakeswap interface.
The next screen looks as follows

add contract of rbs1.jpg

Click I understand and import the contract address.

This would make RBS available to you

rbs added.jpg

Now you can go ahead and carry out the exchange trade.

Once you have the RBS tokens you can head towards and stake your tokens over there.

I have illustrated the steps of staking in the following post which you can use as reference.

For Trustwallet users here is a reference guide

Currently I am studying and experimenting with robiniaswap a new Pool and farming platform

RobiniaSwap Official Documentation:

Discord Channel:

Standard Disclaimer: Please do your own due diligence and research before making an investment. The purpose of this post is for educational purpose only and it should not be considered as financial advice.
