When clouds cry



The land had been dry and infertile for a long time and the people yearned for rainfall. Green gardens were turning Brown and filled with leaves scattered everywhere and the people longed to see their greenery back again.

Yesterday it seemed like all prayers were gonna be answered as dark clouds covered the sky. Lightning rumbled and thunder clapped trees waved as the wind played it tune for all plants to dance.

It was amazing and somewhat sweet to the people as they all thought that the heat was finally going away and rain was gonna come down soon. They all cheered, children sang and danced, adults praised and gave thanks until the wind got angry.

It blew with all its might, sending everyone indoors. Windows were fastened quickly and kids were put to bed immediately. Everyone wished to sleep soundly until roofs were overthrown. Trees fell and gardens were destroyed.

The cloud cried with all it's might also with the help of other sources of nature it gave the earth a piece of its own mind. No one not even the animals dared step outside while it cried. Everyone trembled and wished to remain in safety till it was all over.

The sun finally gave a cool shine and people started opening doors and windows one by one. Looking outside it was a total disaster as trees, poles and people's roofs were scattered all over the ground.

I went outside to check on my little curry which I had put in the ground and it was gone too and then I knew that the clouds really did cry. I don't know what happened but it was a total disaster but then I slept soundly like a baby once again after a very long while.
