Taken unawares!


Why do sickness take people unawares? This has been a question that's been on my mind for a long time now but I've found no good answer to the question.


One of my friends showed up at my place yesterday and I was really happy to see her. She was really active and strong while we were together. On getting to her house, the next thing I heard was that she had been bed ridden in the hospital.


She was terribly sick and shaking Like someone that was going to pass out anytime. I felt her pain and prayed with her for quick recovery then the question returned to my memory.

How do people get sick all the sudden without having symptoms?

I'd have said maybe she did have symptoms but didn't take it into consideration but no, we were together plus I've been in those shoes.

This situation makes me wonder and feel maybe this is how people die in their sleep because of a sudden sickness that may have occurred at night and prolly there was no one to check in on them till they couldn't fight anymore and gave up the ghost.

I'm glad my friend had someone around else who knows what would have happened. It's good to always check on each other if you share your apartment with someone.

Check on each other during the night because the night time comes with a lot of spooky things. You can save a life by doing that. This situation right now is one of the reasons I hate living all by myself because in times where the body just gets weak there'll be no one to help.


One more thing, we should learn to visit our doctors from time to time to check out health status so as to fight whatever would wanna show it's face later in the future. Don't say you're fit so you can't see your doctor book an appointment and have that health test done.

Eating healthy too helps a lot.

With love from teknon 💙!


Health is a major part of our life which if neglected can cause our life. Your words were true, we should often visit the doctor but for some, it is not possible.


Yeah. We shouldn't neglect our health issues no matter what. Thanks for stopping by
