Late night drive!



Claire after having a bad day at work decided to go late night driving in a means to cool off while the cold night breeze blew the depression out of head.

The streets were dimly lit since it was a small town's tarred road. She drove with her windscreen down as she played rocktown music jamming to it with tears in her eyes.

There was a bar at the right hand side of the road which she drove. Claire stopped by and grabbed a few bottles of gin before hitting the road again. After hours of drinking and jamming to music, she figured she was getting all boozy so she turned her wheels to set back home after going a long distance.

To avoid getting in trouble with the Sheriff, Claire had to keep her eyes open and her mind in the right shape else she was gonna end up in a big mess with the town's sheriff.

She had to keep the music loud enough to keep her awake till she got home. Whilst driving, she saw someone standing by the side of the road looking all stranded then she looked at her time, it was already past midnight. She marched the accelerator and the car went at full speed while she inhaled and exhaled thinking she had gotten away from the terror of stopping by to pick up a creepy looking stranger at midnight.

She hadn't gone too far away when she spotted the same structure standing in the middle of the road unwavering even though it saw the vehicle at full speed. At that moment, Claire knew that doom had followed her home, she was alarmed as the hair on her skin stood, she wanted to slow down but her instincts told her to speed up.

She applied more force on the accelerator and the tires screeched, the car jumped and landed back on ground while trepidation hit Claire. She got all jittery as she muttered words; "Who sent me out this night?" She repeated those while her foot was placed solely on the accelerator. When she got to the figure in the middle of the road, she crashed into it lifting it from the ground, the body suspended in the air and dropped with full force back on her bonnet.

It raised its head staring directly at Claire who was creeped to her bones but she wasn't ready to let go till she finished the strangest creature in human form that lay on her car's bonnet trying to creep her to death. There was a huge tree by the side of the road, Claire grinned at the dreadful looking creature as she turned her steering professionally to the direction of the tree.

She raised her foot off the accelerator and back on it again, there was a loud screech as the car crashed into the tree.

The next thing Claire could hear was sirens all over the place and police giving reports. She tried opening her eyes but everything was blurry. She was administered first aid and taken to the hospital for proper treatment but a strange mark was left on her car of the body of the strangest thing that attacked Claire that night. It still remains a mystery even to Claire.
