Her story!/ Su historia. [Eng/Esp]



"Can you tell us what happened on that day"? A voice which Anastasia couldn't recognize but she knew it was a detective who had come to ask her questions about the incident that happened between her and her boyfriend which led to her loss of sight.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to remember the event just the way it happened. She was immediately given a tissue to wipe her nose as everyone who was there present wanted to hear what she had to say.

"It all started six months into the relationship" she began and the detective took out his pen and paper ready to put something down. "He began showing traits of a beater but I waved them all off thinking he was gonna magically change someday and be the perfect prince charming I've always been waiting for". She paused for a while, blew her nose and cleared her throat before speaking again.

Everyone sat patiently waiting for her to continue while her mother adjusted close to her and rubbed her forehead gently telling her to calm down.

"He never really changed but grew worse than I ever thought. He was no longer listening to me but would always push blames whenever he hurt me. He'd tell me I caused it when literally he couldn't control his temperament. He always got furious at very little arguments and would drag me like a common chicken to any point he liked. I've gotten several injuries because of his actions and at the end of the day, when I want to walk away he'd take up a knife saying he'd commit suicide if I leave him. At that point I'm always left with nothing but to forgive him because I want him to stay alive".

The whole place was so quiet that someone could hear if a pin dropped. Anastasia was so concerned about the silence and how everyone could be so quiet and not react or even move a foot to any thing she had said so far. Her thoughts were disrupted when the detective spoke, "we're listening Anna you can go on if you see it fit to keep talking with your family members here".

"Oh! It's okay I thought you were all gone", she forced a smile and continued her speech. "The last time which obviously landed me here was when I made a little mistake to take something that he asked me not to take and to be specific it was just a little plant from a friend's garden which I wanted to use in preparing lunch. He got so furious about it and spoiled everything I prepared. I wasn't happy at all and questioned his actions but he moved towards me and poked his fingers in my right eye without thinking twice then landed hot slaps on my face causing my left eye to go blind immediately. I tried fighting back but he was way stronger and beat the hell outta me for no just cause".

By this time her mother was already crying as the damage had already been done. Anastasia cried even more when she realized her left eye was gone and she was yet to see with the right eye. "It's okay Anna, I've gotten what I want, we'll dig into this case more and make sure you get justice, take heart and stay safe".

He closed his little book and tucked it into his pocket and walked out of the room. Her mother and sisters who were present comforted her and promised to stand by her no matter what. Anna felt blessed to have the best family ever.


Su historia.


"¿Puede decirnos qué pasó ese día? Una voz que Anastasia no podía reconocer pero sabía que era un detective que había venido a hacerle preguntas sobre el incidente que ocurrió entre ella y su novio y que la llevó a perder la vista.

Las lágrimas rodaron por sus mejillas mientras intentaba recordar el suceso tal y como había ocurrido. Inmediatamente le dieron un pañuelo para que se limpiara la nariz, ya que todos los presentes querían escuchar lo que tenía que decir.

"Todo empezó a los seis meses de relación" comenzó ella y el detective sacó su bolígrafo y papel dispuesto a anotar algo. "Empezó a mostrar rasgos de golpeador pero yo los deseché todos pensando que algún día cambiaría mágicamente y sería el perfecto príncipe azul que siempre había esperado". Hizo una pausa, se sonó la nariz y se aclaró la garganta antes de volver a hablar.

Todos se sentaron pacientemente a esperar que continuara mientras su madre se acomodaba cerca de ella y le frotaba suavemente la frente diciéndole que se calmara.

"En realidad nunca cambió, pero se puso peor de lo que yo creía. Ya no me escuchaba pero siempre me echaba la culpa cada vez que me hacía daño. Me decía que yo lo causaba cuando literalmente no podía controlar su temperamento. Siempre se ponía furioso por muy pequeñas discusiones y me arrastraba como una vulgar gallina a cualquier punto que le gustara. Me he hecho varias heridas por culpa de sus acciones y al final, cuando quiero alejarme, coge un cuchillo diciendo que se suicidará si le dejo. En ese momento no me queda más que perdonarlo porque quiero que siga vivo".

Todo el lugar estaba tan silencioso que alguien podría oír si se cayera un alfiler. Anastasia estaba muy preocupada por el silencio y por cómo todos podían estar tan callados y no reaccionar ni mover un pie a nada de lo que había dicho hasta el momento. Sus pensamientos se vieron interrumpidos cuando el detective habló, "estamos escuchando a Anna puedes seguir si lo ves conveniente para seguir hablando con los miembros de tu familia aquí".

"¡Oh! Está bien, pensé que todos se habían ido", forzó una sonrisa y continuó su discurso. "La última vez que obviamente me trajo aquí fue cuando cometí un pequeño error al tomar algo que él me pidió que no tomara y para ser específicos era sólo una pequeña planta del jardín de un amigo que quería usar para preparar el almuerzo. Se puso muy furioso por ello y me estropeó todo lo que había preparado. Yo no estaba nada contento y cuestioné sus acciones, pero él se acercó a mí y me metió los dedos en el ojo derecho sin pensárselo dos veces y luego me dio unas bofetadas calientes en la cara que hicieron que mi ojo izquierdo se quedara ciego inmediatamente. Intenté defenderme, pero él era mucho más fuerte y me golpeó sin motivo alguno".

Para entonces su madre ya estaba llorando porque el daño ya estaba hecho. Anastasia lloró aún más cuando se dio cuenta de que su ojo izquierdo había desaparecido y aún no veía con el derecho. "Está bien Anna, he conseguido lo que quería, investigaremos más este caso y nos aseguraremos de que se haga justicia, anímate y mantente a salvo".

Cerró su librito y lo metió en el bolsillo y salió de la habitación. Su madre y sus hermanas, que estaban presentes, la consolaron y le prometieron que estarían a su lado pasara lo que pasara. Anna se sintió bendecida por tener la mejor familia del mundo.


Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.


Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

I don't know if it is a fictional story but I have read it many times in the history of real people. I don't understand how this can happen a thousand times and we women never learn not to let ourselves be manipulated by these sick behaviors.
Good inspiration for your story. Very good story.


It's more of a fictional autobiography. It's actually a sad experience. Thanks for coming around. I just felt a lot better. Thanks


Ah, ok, I understand. It's a good topic and you've done very well.
