Don't compare!


This topic came to my mind when a past feeling swooped over me as I tried to catch some sleep so I decided to write it down and save it here, maybe for future purposes.


I once lived with my aunt who was very good at comparison. She'd always compare my strength to that of others and would end up asking me why I'm so weak? She'll be like;

"haven't you seen what Mr A is doing?, Can't you for once be like Mr B, is miss C not a human like you?

All those things drove me crazy and at a point I got filled to the brim and had to leave her Goddamn house because the longer I stayed the less I thought of myself.

Somd forget that even the sun and the moon have no comparison, they shine in their time and someone somewhere would just wake up from nowhere to mount unnecessary pressure on me.

Comparison is the cheapest means of killing a very talented person because when we measure our progress with another person's indicator, there always tends to be clashes and enmity would definitely settle in-between.

I figured no one is to be compared to the other person who has more physical abilities or who is more influential and financially stable etc. Every human has his or her own strength and should not be pressurized.

We are all unique in our different fields of our capabilities and should be appreciated for that. Anyone that ever tries to advise you starting with anything you feel is like comparison, please don't listen because he or she is trying to make you feel inferior.


At times we even compare ourselves but hey! That's wrong, it's self abuse and isn't healthy. Spend a little more time making something of yourself that you'll always be proud of and less time trying to impress people.

Comparison can be depressing, exhausting and it's suicidal. Appreciate everyone around you and yourself too using the right words.

With love from teknon 💙.
