Dance like nobody's watching!


It's been a while since I danced and I tell you that while I tried moving my body in school my bones almost tore apart🤣.


I had to give it my all to just have that beautiful moment of swift but graceful body movement and I tell you it was fun doing so.

Since I was a little girl I've always dreamt of becoming the best choreographer the world would ever know but due to some personal issues I had to drop that and chase something else.

I still dance once in a while but not what I expected it to be and of course soon I'm going to be starting a dance session with my boyfriend. It's gonna be fun because he's really good at dancing.

He's a good dance teacher too. I'm always shy when it comes to dancing where someone would watch me but he taught me to do my thing like no one's watching. It's not really easy though but I had to, at least to overcome my fears.

Dancing takes the burden off me, it lifts my stress and clears my perturbed mind. I dance when I'm bored, sad or trying to forget something and also when I'm trying to memorize something too.

Dancing is the best way to learn if only some schools could adapt to that system. I figured that once when I had to teach my niece, she is a playful kid who needs serious attention to learn and I had to grab her attention using dance.

We danced as we recited every word I wanted her to grasp and I tell you that even when she slept she kept saying those words and it stuck to her memory.


I made her feel each step she took because good technique never goes out of style.

Dance is free, it's up to you. Are you a fearful or a shy dancer? I'll encourage you to just live your dream, beat those waves, dance with the sea and let the rhythm of your feet and body set your soul free from the fears.


I must confess I'm a great dancer, but that part of me wasn't reveal to most people around me, probably because I'm an introvert, or because I'm shy like people tend to say. This continues till a video recording of me(which I submitted for a dance challenge online) was seen by friend. I later deleted the video 😉
But in my privacy I tend to play back most music and let out the cat(dance) from the bag.

Thanks for sharing.


Haha. Please dance more often. Iove to see people dance you know. It's a fun thing to do.


I love to dance that don’t like my body is just too stiff to the music. Well I wish you all the best


Thanks hun. Just keep dancing more often and your body would definitely adapt to it. !PIZZA
