Are you you? Or maybe you've become someone else?


Every human came into this world with a gift and it's up to him or her to boost it or let it die.

In one way or the other, each man's gift is made manifest to him and it's his responsibility to use it wisely.

At times parents are gift killers in the sense that they don't allow the children to become what they love to do if they have passion for it.

My friend came crying to me today about how her Dad wants to choose a field of study for her. My only advice for her was that she should stand her ground and tell him straight that we are in the 21st century where we can make our decisions.

I've seen children in many homes growing up to be what their parents choose for them instead of what they have enthusiasm for.


I was almost a victim of a kill dream situation but I pulled through and stood my ground. My dad had threatened not to sponsor me and I really didn't care if he did or not. I had it at the back of my mind that I've got my life to live.

His threat although wasn't a surprise because he had threatened my elder sister and she had yielded to his threat and now she's in shambles because she can't live her dream.


In my case I left home and went to stay with my aunt where I could make my decision without any hindrances.

Today, my dad is not really happy about my decision but he's got no choice.

I'm living my life for me. My dad has fulfilled his destiny and he's happy so I'm yet to fulfill mine.

Becoming what makes me happy is the best feeling ever. How bout you???

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True.. becoming what makes one happy is the best my dream I get a say over it...
Thank you for sharing


A child that never makes any decision whatsoever, will not learn judgement before becoming an adolescent. An adolescent that never makes any decision what-so-ever, will not learn judgement before becoming an adult. An adult will then make foolish life choices as soon as the parents are out of the picture. Isn't it better to start when they are younger?


Isn't it better to start when they are younger?

It is but then the opportunity ain't given by some parents who still sees the child as a kid and not until that child speaks up, he or she remains in bondage.


Yes, parents are a big influence on kids nowadays. You hear things like I love dancing and drawing but my parents want me to be a doctor.
Like what!!!

This is why 'quacks' evolve. What concerns drawing with surgery and drug administration.

Its sad that some kids can't stand their ground. A wise person once gold me that if you found yourself in such situations and you don't want to be a disobedient and recalcitrant child, just do as they say and get a degree in the course they want you to do. When you've gotten the degree you take it to them, deliver it as a gift and go ahead to do your heart desires, by this time, you must have been fully grounded.

But that's seems like a long process and time wasted. Standing your ground too may come with some hazels. You have to make the best choice when you get to that bridge.

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