How my day began

Early this morning by 5 am i was up from bed and of course made up the largest piece of furniture in my room which happens to be my bed after which i had some time for my morning meditation. When i was done, places where still dark even thou it was already 6am and so i decided to do some small body exercises in small space inside my room. After about 30 minutes of doing the body workouts, i had my bath, dressed up and went to work. I left the house today without eating because there was no foodstuff in my kitchen which i could have played around with before leaving for work.

I left the house very early by 7:15am and before 8am, i was already in he office. First things first was brewing some coffee after setting up my machine on my working desk. I made sure i brewed enough such that everyone in the office can have a cup of it.

