Marriage of choice my pakistan

  • Marriage of choice

  • My Pakistan

  • An innocent from all the judiciary
    The question is whether you have passed the voluntary marriage bill in Pakistan
    Shamelessness and dishonor have been spread, and this has increased many times the number of murders, looting and mischief.
    The question is whether anyone
    A judge's girl is a boy
    You should marry your choice
    So will you get your daughter legally married to this boy?
    May your honor take care of this
    Your daughter will rebel against you of her own free will
    Run away with someone
    If you will not do this for your daughter
    Watch out girls
    Run away from home to court
    If she went and got married, would she be someone's daughter?
    No one has a sister
    Seeing the situation of Karachi in recent days, the heart
    Burnt out
    A girl from Karachi befriended a boy from Lahore on Facebook and went to court
    His parents got married
    They cried and rubbed their heels on the ground and kept requesting the court to see the girl, but the court did not allow it
    This is the place to die. What is happening in the Muslim society and the Islamic country. Where are we taking our country?
    God, do not give a woman so much freedom that she crosses the limits of shamelessness and shamelessness and no one can harm her.
    May Allah protect our country from the evil of women
    And put an end to this judicial system

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