My Actifit Report Card: February 29 2024

In the event that you do not have cash to purchase medication, or need to maintain a strategic distance from buying pharmaceutical, do it without charge.


1. Patients with blood weight ought to spend their time around children. Play with them and have a part of fun. Drugs will be decreased and the malady will go absent
2. Diabetic patients ought to do discontinuous fasting, which must be taken after by a specialist. It is as it were to maintain a strategic distance from hypoglycemia. The rest of this free handle will keep your sugar beneath control and drugs will too be diminished.


3. Individuals enduring from need of rest ought to not eat anything after nightfall. And turn off the lights after Isha. In a week, resting propensities will be great and resting pills will moreover be missed.
4. Individuals with stomach corrosive ought to rest with their pad tall. And eat 3 hours some time recently resting. Gastrointestinal drugs will be divided.
5. Individuals with muscle and bone illnesses ought to examined long supplications. Supplication is an great work out for each organ of man, particularly for back issues.
6. Patients with inveterate cold ought to clean their nose with salt water twice a day. In 2 weeks the cold will be exceptionally less and with nonstop hone there will be a parcel of change. Our ENT teacher utilized to tell this strategy to each understanding and the patients got cured


The treasures of wellbeing are kept in straightforward and common things and not in pharmaceutical boxes.
Pay attention of your wellbeing. Since wellbeing is imperative


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Home Improvement, Play with kids/grand kids, Walking, Yard Work
165 cm
65 kg
Body Fat
45 %
32 cm


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