The damage of self-hate

Never hate yourself. If someone hates themselves, it is a much deeper issue. So, suggest people to read motivational books or articles on self-esteem and motivation and maybe you too can benefit from that advice. And you're a valuable human being! Never hate yourself, because you're your only true life-long friend!

Studies show that people with low self esteem and motivation to engage in more harmful behaviors, such as violence, theft, and addiction. Although it is tempting to hate yourself when you feel depressed or worthless, that will only make things worse. You must resist the pull of self-hatred. Instead, turn inward and try to improve your self-image.

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Self-loathing and self-hatred are two distinctly separate states of mind. People may think that they are somehow tainted or are somehow "unworthy" of love or happiness. On the other hand, they may also believe that they are lovable and worthy of happiness. Therefore, people with low self-esteem and self-hatched behavior will engage in self-hatchery - which means self-inflicted pain.

So, what is the first thought that goes through someone's mind when they think "why am I hated so much?" The first thought usually is "am I useless or unlovable?" The second thought is "but I know I'm worth something, so I must hate myself even more!" The third thought is "if I was worth anything, then everyone would want me and love me." And the fourth thought is "maybe I'm just a miserable little selfish pig who thinks I'm better than everyone else."

When these thoughts run through a person's mind, it is only natural for them to feel ugly, worthless, and worthless. It's like running a marathon and only finishing one race - it would be excruciating to continue. But, when you hate yourself on a constant basis and find it painful to stand up for and love yourself - you're probably suffering from self-hate. How do you stop self-hate? It's easier than you think.

The key is to make an effort to stop thinking about it and focus on believing that you do deserve to be loved by others - you absolutely do. The moment you begin to believe this, your inner peace will begin to rise; your inner being will become centered around this statement. This statement alone will make it much easier to banish your self-hate once and for all.

Overcoming self-hate starts with changing your thoughts; negative thoughts lead to negative actions, and negative actions lead to negative feelings. So, if you hate yourself because you believe you are unworthy, then change those thoughts. Focus on what you do have value in life and what you can offer someone else.

Hate has been around since the beginning of time, so stop it from continuing. You don't have to walk a straight line towards self-love, but you DO have the power to take a little step in the right direction. Start by loving yourself for exactly who you are and accept yourself for the wonderful person you already are. Don't expect others to love you the way you love yourself, because you're doing it right in your own heart, not theirs. Never let anyone tell you that you can't love yourself because you've been conditioned to hate yourself. Only you know the real you, so learn to uncover it now!

Stop internalizing the hate you feel toward yourself, because it makes you feel worse. Instead of hating yourself, love yourself. Look inside at the thoughts you're having, the words you're saying, and the actions you are taking. Chances are that you are internalizing many of the beliefs, attitudes, and fears that make you hate yourself. Once you learn to get rid of these behaviors and beliefs, you will begin to see yourself in a different light. People will begin to admire you more, you will find that you are more inclined to become friends and build strong relationships with others, and you will hate yourself less and feel less guilty about yourself.

Just like internalizing hate, you also need to expel it from your life. If you want to change the behavior that makes you hate yourself and stop the self-hatred, then start by thinking positive thoughts. Begin to love yourself and live as an ideal you want to be. Tell yourself often that you are a valuable person with great qualities, and that no one has ever said anything negative to you or has failed to like you. If you tell yourself this enough, you will start to believe it, and soon your negative thinking will begin to fade away.

Another great way to fight your self-loathing and to love yourself is by learning how to listen to your own inner voice. If you have a negative inner voice, it can keep you from loving yourself. You may not even realize that you are internalizing negativity when you are saying things like, "I'm worthless," or "I'm stupid." When you listen to your inner voice, you will begin to realize that you are not the person that others see you be. By learning how to listen to your inner voice, you can finally say positive things like, "I am beautiful" or "I am great" - instead of internalizing the feelings that tell you that you are worthless and inadequate.

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I think self hate has a lot to do with low self-esteem, before someone can hit himself or herself there must be something that must attribute to eat which might cause such situation, self-hate is actually a gateway to depression which might lead to suicide if care is not taken and if urgent action is not taken too. Self-hate might be as a reason of bad peer group, let me give an instance by what I mean by bad peer group, when a young boy can't use the type of phone his friends use which might lead to them saying all sorts of bad things to him like "your parents are poor" and in turn this might lead the person to hate everything about himself that is where self heat comes in and with this it can proceed to depression and then suicide, self-hate is very bad and dangerous not just only to our health but also our future.

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