Should Marijuana be Legalized Under Any Circumstances?


Drugs are very harmful and dangerous substances for our health. In other words, people may be addicted to these drugs due to excessive use. Therefore, the rate of drug abuse increases. Most drugs are generally forbidden in most countries. However, Marijuana is not forbidden in some countries such as the USA although authorities concluded that these drugs damage people’s health. On the other hand, whether Marijuana should be legalized is a controversial issue. I firmly believe that Marijuana should be legalized.

Primarily, the drug is not generally more harmful than alcohol or tobacco if used in moderation because marijuana has been used for treating some diseases over the past centuries. In modern times some harmful features of marijuana have been discovered. However, some health institutions claim that the percentage of people who are sick due to excessive use of alcohol or tobacco is higher than the rate of people who are sick because of using marijuana. It is a fact that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco so if alcohol and tobacco are legalized in all countries, marijuana should also be legalized in all countries.

Secondly, drug dealers (including some terrorists) would lose most or all of their business. Therefore, the ratio of selling illegal drugs may decrease, if marijuana is legalized because every market can sell marijuana. Another issue is that the price of these drugs may decrease because these kinds of sellers have been selling these drugs with very high prices and these people are generally terrorists. Naturally people who buy marijuana from these sellers help these terrorists and they may damage countries. Thus, the dangerous acts which are made by terrorists may decrease due to the legalization of marijuana and states can eliminate most terrorists who sell these drugs.

Some authorities who support the opposite idea say that marijuana is often used as a stepping-stone drug, leading to heroin, cocaine or harder drugs. People who use marijuana may start harder drugs and the ratio of deaths may increase. However, governments can control the use of marijuana by implementing some harsh measures or laws. Therefore, people who use marijuana cannot use other drugs due to heavy laws and this situation affects people’s lives positively because they cannot use harder drugs and they can protect themselves from the most dangerous diseases. Thus, the ratio of deaths due to harder drugs may decline, if these laws are implemented.

All in all, drugs are very dangerous for people’s health. However, nowadays, marijuana is being debated by authorities because there are some benefits and negative aspects of marijuana. In my opinion, this drug should be legalized, but it has to be used in limited dose. Therefore, everybody may be happier in this situation.
