This is truly the reason we procrastinate


Today I am going to talk to you about a topic that, although it is rare to know the real name, it is everyday or normal that we have it without realizing it.

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And it is that, recently they asked me if I knew the reason for my procrastination ... At that moment, I did not know how to answer so, I immediately gave myself the task of investigating it and it seemed a super interesting topic to share with you here.

Without further ado, let's get started...

"I'm going to clean up and when I'm done, I'll start to do it"
This is how the phrase usually begins when we procrastinate: I do it later. Later, when I finish cooking, cleaning, tidying up the closet, watching the movie, playing this game, painting the room and seeing my social networks.

Later, when you feel like it. And of course, the desire almost never comes

Because that task that you are avoiding, for some reason causes you stress, pain, boredom, frustration, reluctance, among other things.

And you end up doing it one day before you have to deliver it or directly, it is still there pending for the next week.

The point is that, the longer we postpone it, the more anxiety it generates because we know that it is something that has to be done, yes or no.

And yes, there are several strategies to stop procrastinating, one of them is:.


.. Eat that frog

..Plan realistically

But I think that before applying any of these, the main thing is to be aware of:

What activities are we constantly rescheduling?
What do they make you feel?
Why are you postponing them?
And start working from there, becoming aware of where we are, what makes us feel and where we want to go.

Next, let's dig into this topic ...

Procrastination is not necessarily synonymous with laziness or a lack of ability to manage our time.

When we procrastinate, it is not that we sit idly by, it is that we keep busy with other tasks that are not important.

And we end up feeling a mixture of stress, guilt, and frustration because we know we didn't do something we had to do.

Studies ensure that:

"It is a way of dealing with the negative emotions that certain tasks generate." Fuschia Sirois

So, it's not about telling you: STOP PROCRASTINATING and following a couple of productivity tips....

It is about getting to THE ROOT OF THE SUBJECT and seeing what that activity that you are avoiding doing causes you.....

In conclusion guys, let's pay more attention to the distribution of our time, the priorities we give to the daily activities we do ... It is not bad to procrastinate, it is bad to abuse it...

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Actually procrastination is so bad that it even delays us from achieving a particular goal, when we procrastinate we put the motion at which our success rate is going at the stop, for me I think it is even better not to think of doing something done saying I will do it and later not do it that's procrastination at its highest level, the reason for procrastination might not necessarily be laziness it might be a misplaced priority which we need to understand that it goes a long way affecting our days goal and that needs to stop

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