Hive Learners Contes " Some things I don't want to do in life "



Good afternoon all friends, meet me again on this occasion in the 20th week of the 1st edition. Here we will discuss things that are against us according to the theme that has been set by the community and this theme is a very interesting theme for us to discuss together in this beloved community.

As we know that the way of life of every human being is different, humans are also creatures who can think things through with a clear mind so as not to harm themselves and others. I myself am a person who always lives in society, of course there are things that I am against doing because I am afraid that things will happen that I do not want so that it can harm myself. Well friends all I will tell you about the things that I do not do in my life.

  • Do not want to hurt others, I have a nature that always wants to do good to others because for me if we have good qualities, of course other people also have good qualities for us. So if both of them are like this, our lives will be better and there will be no commotion between us.

  • Fear of not being useful for people's lives, because I am too familiar with the people around me and they have also trusted me in several fields, of course I am very afraid that in the future I will no longer be useful to them.

  • Anti-drugs, there are a lot of young people who have used drugs, of course I am very afraid and I really take care so that I don't fall into their environment which can harm myself and also to others.

  • Anti-theft, although I do not have a lot of property, of course I do not want to take someone else's. Because this has been told by my parents since I was little so as not to take the rights of others or steal other people's things.

  • Anti hurt feelings, of course we as young people must have an interesting view of women. And I'm sure that if I already have someone I love, of course I don't want to hurt his feelings and I'm still loyal to him. Because I know that if we hurt him, of course he will feel very hurt.

  • Anti lying, I do not want any lying words that come out of my mouth for other people above kindness. Because of this I don't think there is any benefit if we lie, and also pity for others we have lied to.

That's all from me in the first edition in week 20, and for the next edition, hopefully we can still enter the contest in this beloved community. Greetings from me to all friends and thanks to all members who have joined this community of lovers. See you in the next edition.

Special Thanks :



Abstaining from theft and drugs is also part of anti- bucket list.
The world would be safer is most people abstained from these. Thanks for sharing dear.


Drugs are bad, and they have nothing good to offer those that take them. Except of course, they are prescribed by the doctor, if not any other way and it is abuse. That is something I would never do.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
