Reseña: Ahsoka // Review: Ahsoka



Uno de mis personajes preferidos de la franquicia Star Wars es sin duda Ahsoka. Desde que apareció en Clone Wars, conocer a la padawan de Anakin, ha sido interesante y divertido, verlo desarrollarse como personaje. Hace poco ha salido su serie propia en Disney+. La dirección y guión es liderado por Dave Filoni.

One of my favorite characters in the Star Wars franchise is undoubtedly Ahsoka. Ever since she appeared in Clone Wars, getting to know Anakin's padawan, it's been interesting and fun, watching her develop as a character. She recently released her own series on Disney+. The direction and script is led by Dave Filoni.

Sinopsis: Luego de los eventos mostrados en la serie animada en Rebels, y muchos años después. Nos encontramos con una Sabine Wren, que todavía recuerda a Ezra Bridger. Ella recuerda que debe intentar ubicarlo, ya que se encuentra perdido; luego, ella consigue una gran pista de su paradero con Ahsoka, la ex padawan de Anakin y ex lider rebelde. Ellas comienzan una misión para volver a ubicar a Ezra mientras tratan de evitar el regreso de un viejo enemigo, el almirante Thrawn.

Synopsis: After the events shown in the animated series in Rebels, and many years later. We meet a Sabine Wren, who still remembers Ezra Bridger. She remembers that she must try to locate him, as he is missing; then, she gets a big clue to his whereabouts with Ahsoka, Anakin's former Padawan and former rebel leader. They begin a mission to re-locate Ezra while trying to prevent the return of an old enemy, Admiral Thrawn.



Si bien se puede ver esta serie con nociones generales de los personajes, realmente se le disfruta más si has visto o conoces a fondo lo que pasó en la serie animada Rebels. Ya que involucra a casi todos los personajes que salen en ella.

While you can watch this series with general notions of the characters, you'll really enjoy it more if you've seen or are thoroughly familiar with what happened in the Rebels animated series. Since it involves almost all of the characters that appear in it.

Es una serie enfocada en mostrar la misión de ubicar a Ezra. Sin embargo, con ello hay un gran peligro posible, ya que Thrawn fue enviado a la misma zona desconocida que su ubica Ezra en el espacio. A su vez, vemos como Sabine se vuelve la aprendiz de Ahsoka y cómo la va desarrollando en una especie de Jedi.

It is a series focused on showing the mission to locate Ezra. However, with that there is a great possible danger, as Thrawn was sent to the same unknown area that his locates Ezra in space. In turn, we see how Sabine becomes Ahsoka's apprentice and how she develops her into a Jedi of sorts.



Hay mucha aventura, combates, escenas en el espacio e incluso drama político, es bastante completo. Sin embargo, tiene un problema de bajo ritmo en los primeros episodios, lo bueno es que sale de ello, mejorando en los capítulos posteriores. Siendo los capítulos 5 y 7 muy buenos, excelentes.

There's a lot of adventure, combat, scenes in space and even political drama, it's quite complete. However, it has a low pacing problem in the first few episodes, the good thing is that it comes out of it, improving in later chapters. Chapters 5 and 7 being very good, excellent.

Hay variados personajes desde los principales, hasta las clásicas razas peculiares de Star Wars. Con un buen trabajo en el maquillaje y vestuario. Todo se siente realista.

There are varied characters from the main ones, to the classic Star Wars peculiar races. With a good job on the makeup and costumes. Everything feels realistic.

La música es de lo mejor, pero a veces noto la falta de canciones o ritmos que rememoren un poco a misiones secretas. La producción como siempre es excelsa, con grandes escenarios y momentos memorables. Uno de ellos es cuando Ahsoka debe salir de su nave y luchar en el espacio.

The music is the best, but sometimes I notice the lack of songs or rhythms that remind a little secret missions. The production as always is excellent, with great scenery and memorable moments. One of them is when Ahsoka has to get out of his ship and fight in space.

Sin duda Ahsoka ha sido un buen sucesor a las series animadas, y espero se confirme en poco su segunda temporada. Recomendable.

Undoubtedly Ahsoka has been a good successor to the animated series, and I hope a second season will be confirmed soon. Recommended.

Calificación personal: 8.3 de 10

Personal rating: 8.3 out of 10


I got this one on my list, most likely start it this weekend, so far I have love all other Star Wars series despite Mandalorian is a bit off the story but thats fine for me, after all its a Tv Series its very hard to be as close to legacy story line
