Reseña: A millones de kilómetros // Review: A Million Miles Away



De vez en cuando ver una película de superación es algo divertido por hacer. Si bien tienen una trama que se tiende a repetir, no dejan de tener su encanto. Es el caso de este título, estrenado hace poco y pude ver en Amazon Prime. Su directora es Alejandra Márquez Abella.

Every once in a while watching an overachiever movie is a fun thing to do. Although they have a plot that tends to repeat itself, they still have their charm. This is the case of this title, recently released and I was able to watch it on Amazon Prime. Its director is Alejandra Márquez Abella.

Sinopsis: José Hernández desde niño siempre ha tenido un sueño, volverse un astronauta. Sin embargo, al tener un origen humilde, siendo migrante en USA con su familia, puede que sea una tarea imposible. Por suerte, su padre le dará unos pasos para conseguir su objetivo, que usará durante toda su vida

Synopsis: José Hernández has always had a dream since he was a child: to become an astronaut. However, having a humble origin, being a migrant in the USA with his family, it may be an impossible task. Luckily, his father will give him some steps to achieve his goal, which he will use throughout his life.



La historia nos mostrará al protagonista desde su niñez pasando a la adultez, donde comenzará a trabajar en un laboratorio, y tratará de postular para conseguir una plaza en el programa espacial de la NASA. A su vez, veremos la relación con su familia y cómo tratará de volverlos cómplices con su sueño.

The story will show us the protagonist from childhood to adulthood, where he will start working in a laboratory, and will try to apply for a place in the NASA space program. At the same time, we will see his relationship with his family and how he will try to make them complicit in his dream.

Como mencioné arriba, es una película típica de superación, donde si bien hay algunos retos o problemas, no es algo que te haga dudar mucho del final obvio. Tal vez lo mejor sea ver la tenacidad del protagonista y todo lo que hará para conseguir su objetivo.

As I mentioned above, it's a typical overcoming movie, where although there are some challenges or problems, it's not something that makes you doubt much about the obvious ending. Perhaps the best thing is to see the tenacity of the protagonist and everything he will do to achieve his goal.

En aspectos técnicos, si bien hay diversos escenarios e intenta mostrar varias etapas del programa espacial; siento que se pudo hacer un mejor trabajo en lo que es la recta final. La actuación de Michael Peña como el protagonista es más que satisfactoria.

In technical aspects, although there are several scenarios and attempts to show various stages of the space program; I feel that a better job could have been done in what is the final stretch. Michael Peña's performance as the protagonist is more than satisfactory.

Al final, es una película que muestra cómo seguir una serie de pasos, y tener bastante tenacidad, podemos alcanzar lo que parecen imposibles sueños.

In the end, it is a film that shows how by following a series of steps, and having enough tenacity, we can achieve what seem like impossible dreams.

Calificación personal: 7 de 10

Personal rating: 7 out of 10
