Comentarios de la 2da temporada de Muñeca Rusa // Russian Doll Season 2 Comments



Muñeca Rusa es el nombre de una serie de Netflix. protagonizada por Natasha Lyonne como Nadia Vulvokov. Es una serie que muestra a la protagonista en problemas con el tiempo. En la 1era temporada ella sufrió un bucle, en el que un momento se repetía hasta que sufriera la muerte, bastante parecido a la película Groundhog Day. Esta 2da temporada acaba de ser estrenada.

Russian Doll is the name of a Netflix series. starring Natasha Lyonne as Nadia Vulvokov. It is a series that shows the protagonist in trouble with time. In the 1st season she suffered a loop, where one moment repeated until she suffered death, quite similar to the movie Groundhog Day. This 2nd season has just been released.

En esta 2da temporada, a diferencia de la anterior, habrá viajes en el tiempo usando el metro de Nueva York. Tanto Nadia como Alan, su amigo que sufre también esa rara condición, viajarán a diferentes épocas y lugares. El otro giro, un tanto spoiler, es que al viajar estarán usando cuerpos de familiares.

In this 2nd season, unlike the previous one, there will be time travel using the New York subway. Both Nadia and Alan, her friend who also suffers from that rare condition, will travel to different times and places. The other twist, a bit of a spoiler, is that while traveling they will be using bodies of family members.



Si bien sigue siendo una temporada entretenida, creo que no llega a funcionar tanto como la primera. Creo que el enfoque a los problemas familiares, se vuelven el foco de los primeros 5 capítulos, solo dejando para los últimos 2 el tema del tiempo, y lo que ocurre cuando juegas demasiado con él.

While still an entertaining season, I think it doesn't quite work as well as the first. I think the focus on family problems, become the focus of the first 5 episodes, only leaving for the last 2 the issue of time, and what happens when you play with it too much.

El trabajo en los vestuarios y la ambientación de cada época y lugar es excelente, es un punto que destaca. La música no se queda atrás y siempre sirve de apoyo para diversas escenas.

The work in the costumes and the setting of each time and place is excellent, it is a point that stands out. The music is not far behind and always serves as support for various scenes.

En general es una buena temporada, aunque baja un poco el listón respecto a la anterior. Recomiendo ver la serie si te gusta la ciencia ficción.

Overall it's a good season, although it lowers the bar a bit with respect to the previous one. I recommend watching the series if you like science fiction.


They literally have attempeted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. .....
