


We hustle from day today
Under the sun and the rain
No matter the weather condition
We are out there to make ends meet
For our survival is on the verge of dying
And if we don't hustle it shall die.

We are the underdogs
And we are great in number
Yet not look at by the society
The elites walk upon us
As they pour their waste to the ground
And we struggle to feed on it.

We hustle for survival
For if we don't
How can we make ends meet
How can we go home and face our families?
What do we tell our children?
Expecting foods from the hands of Mummy and Daddy?

There is nothing like a day and night for us
For our night isn't made for resting
For in our night we are out there still hustling
Dedicating our lives to work for the elites
Accepting the crumbs thrown at us
With a grateful heart.

We are the underdogs and not the laziest
We are misfortune and not the opportune
We make the economy of the world grows
With our sweats and hard works
But we are not known for the achievements
For the elites are the opportune

We do get the desire to give up
And every string of tears we shed
Gives pain to our heart
But we can't stop
Or we are going to die
For our hustle is our life

We keep hustling
Despite the unfairness of life
Hoping someday the clouds will be open for us
And give us that sunshine we desire
That the rain will bring forth water from the clouds
And shower us to our glory land.

We are the underdogs
And we may appear so strong in our wreathed clothing
But we are a feebled soul
So treat us as humans
We only hope one day
The doors shall be open for us.

We are the underdogs

Thanks for reading. I remaining @prechyrukky.


Very powerful
Thank you for sharing
We now have the opportunity to make the world more fair!
It is true that the underdogs are great in number, and now we have the power.
Hive has proven that community can overcome the greed and manipulation of centralization that allows the elites to oppress us.
We have the tools and opportunity to build a new way that gives everyone the chance to make a better life.
Better days are coming, and the best part is, we all can decide what they will be like.
If we are willing to put in the work and effort.
That is our advantage, we hustle for reasons that have true value.
I believe that will be the difference.
I look forward to more of your poetry.
All the best


Thank you for the comment.

I believe that through hive the greediness in the world can be tame and everyone will someday get rewarded by there hardwork. I hope the rest part of the world defeat greediness someday too.
Let's be the difference we want
