We Shouldn’t have…


Photo by Max Bender

At one stage in our lives, we’ve all done something that we finally realized we shouldn’t have done, call it youthful exuberance but then in the case of I and my friends, it was more of revenge.

You see during my first year in school, there had been a leak that some of the students were extorting us their fellow students while lying that the lecturer sent them. Sometimes when the lecturers tells his course representative to tell us to pay a certain amount for a particular course or something, the course representative (who is also our fellow Coursemate) would add more amount to the initial price and when we pay him the money, he would take the extra cash and give the lecturer the rest.

Of course no one would know because there was always that fear between lecturer and student that didn’t allow us go ask them if they asked their course representative to take such amount from us.

So they did this for a whole semester until one day, somehow, the truth came out. When we finally heard about what had been happening, about how we’ve been getting extorted, I and my friends got furious. It was almost like everyone of those course representatives were involved somehow and that was when we hatched a plan to get our revenge.

I guess it was a case of if you can’t beat them, join them. But we didn’t want to join those scumbags, we wanted to become our own scumbags so one of us made sure to become a course representative for a borrowed course. The thing about borrowed courses was that we don’t the lecturers too well so we hardly interact with them which was perfect for us, we wanted a lecturer that they can’t run to when the bills start coming.

We waited until it was almost a week to exam before we struck. The man had given us a take-home assignment and we had told them they were to submit it with money. Of course they bought it because he wouldn’t be the first ti make such demands.

Well the money started coming in but we made sure not to spend any of it just in case we got exposed. We figured our punishment would be lesser if we returned the money. Well, everything was going smoothly until the day we were to write the lecturer’s exam, that was the day we realized we were too innocent to be criminals.

Our heart started to race the moment he walked into the hall because we were scared someone would bring it up and probably beg him to let them submit for free and that is when all hell would be let loose because the lecturer would start to wonder why a student is asking to submit for free when he never asked for any money in the first place.

The three of us all held our breath as the man talked about the assignment and instructed everything to submit to his course representative before the end of the day.

By the time we started to write the exam, my friends already turned blue while I on the other hand almost had a stroke. The whole thing was so terrifying that we ended up not answering all of the questions before leaving the exam hall.

When we got home that day, we all came to a conclusion to return back the money because it was obvious we didn’t have the stomach for that kind of thing. Imagine getting expelled because of some few bucks.

We had told the students that the lecturer had asked us to give them back their money and they had all been excited.

If only they knew the truth.


Daimn... So funny at some point 😅💔..I think maybe your scumbag crew really had people of good hearts which is rare in such a crew considering how people could be in this present generation of "I don't care" and "whatever" youths lifestyle.

Sometimes this is what we get whenever are taking revenge by ourselves, we end up wishing we never did or doing something we would always regret.
but I'm happy you finally reversed your steps even tho you didn't tell your colleagues the actual truth. The important part remains that you never took vengeance anymore.


Lol. Some would say the scumbag crew were scared and that was why we returned the money.

But that doesn't matter, what matters is that we did.
