Things Has Changed


I’ve always talked about how most of the lesson I learnt from my father were things and stories he told I and my siblings during our usual family meetings. My dad always believed that gathering the family together in the living room every now and then to have a little family time and just give us a bit of wisdom from the infinite amount of wisdom he has was a good way to connect and I agree with him.

During the years I’ve learned a lot of lessons from these meetings, lessons that has helped me tremendously in different aspect of my life. Sometimes I don’t even realize it until I’m done going through whatever that is and then when I stop to reminisce on everything that just happened, I realized that I had unconsciously put into play one of the things that my old man had taught me.

One time he called us all together and started to tell us stories of his childhood back in those days when he still was at the village. He said the world was so peaceful back then that a traveler from a faraway land could literally knock on any door and ask for water to drink in other to quench his taste and he would be given the water from their cup.

These days, I don’t even know if there is anyone out there willing to give water to a stranger and even if there is, I doubt a stranger would want to take water from another stranger, not with the current evil in the world these days, especially in somewhere like here.

In our current day and time, the water here doesn’t literally mean water. What it simply means is that the days when people used to be kind to people is fading away because of the too much evil in the world today.

I remember one time I was trying to locate a place that I was heading to and tried stopping this elderly man in other to ask him for directions. The man didn’t even wait to hear what I had to say before walking past me. If I didn’t know any better I would have thought he was probably deaf but I knew he wasn’t and I knew exactly the reason why he had walked past me without saying a word.

Over here there have been countless rumors of people losing their private parts or running mad the moment they finish talking to a stranger so my guess was that the old man probably wasn’t ready to lose his private organ just yet and chose to ignore me instead.

The reason why my dad had told us the story of how life was peaceful and easy back in the days was because he wanted us to be careful with the way we did things with people. “The world we live in today is not the world we used to know, things has changed” He had said to us and I couldn’t blame him because he was right, the world has indeed changed.

Photo by nasa
