The Village
It will be Christmas in about a week and some few days from now and here in Nigeria, people love to travel down to their villages at the end of the year to go meet their various family members to celebrate the holidays with them. But unlike most people who make it a habit to travel down there every year, my dad rarely took us to the village and no, this isn't me complaining.
I actually appreciated the fact that we didn't travel down there much because everytime we did travel to the village, it always felt like a nightmare. The only fun thing about travelling there was the trip itself and nothing else. The village has always been boring and scary to me, maybe because I was born and brought up in the city and all I've heard about the villages are scary things and nothing good.
So each year where we don't travel to the village was actually a good year for me but I've been thinking of recent about that whole thing and the effect it's having on me and will probably have on my children unborn. Over here in Nigeria, travelling down to the village and also being known and seen by your relatives down there is always seen as a huge deal, both of which I'm really poor at. Aside from my dad's siblings, I know no other extended relatives and I doubt they know me too.
I remember telling my parents one time that if I had my way to leave this country, I would never want to come back for anything and my dad had asked me what about my home (he was talking about the village), to which I told him that I have no business there. He immediately shunned me and I'm sure that for a minute there, he felt bad for not taking us down there often.
Sometimes he even threaten to take us to the village and leave us there whenever we misbehave at home. That's how much he knows that we hate travelling down to the village. But sadly, it shouldn't be that way, the village should be one place I should be comfortable and happy going to if everything was right.
But yeah, it is what it is and like I said, this isn't me complaining. It's just the right side of my brain telling myself the correct thing, a moment of truth I might say, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to do anything about it. I've never liked the village and I honestly have no plans with familiarising or hanging out there for any reason.
It all about remain connected to roots. ...i have similar situztion , never thought of living in village...but last 6 years have some good memory
Yeah exactly. I also want that, to be connected to my root but I really don't want to work the work that would make all that happen.
hmm can you explain more why it was scary to go to the village?
For malaysia, we call this going back to hometown and it's wherever you were originally from so maybe you are in KL and you were originally from penang or jb then you would go back to penang or jb to see family
There has always been this belief that majority of the people in the village are evil, it has always been portrayed in the movies that way, coupled with some stories that I've heard from my parents and other people.
So I've always been scared of going there because everyone I see is a potential witch or wizard. So to me, it has always been safe being faraway from that place. That, and also because I have no friends and know no one there.. So it has always been boring to go down there.
i see so u believe in that wizard/witch stuff? no idea maybe id understand better if i knew all the stories and stuff but seems kinda unreal for me
I mean you've been there before and you seem fine and alive :D but i understand if theres nobody there ya it would be boring. It's all good tho no worries. You can still have a good xmas without going there lol
I can understand your feeling and the reason why you feel in that way. In my case, even if I grown-up in village I also don't know most of the people. But one thing to remember that there is no guarantee of anything in life. And anything can happen and remember that village is the last and permanent address for everyone. I think you should remain cool whenever you father saying something about village because it's the most precious thing for your father.
So don't try to show arrogance even if you don't agree with the statement. You might be thinking why I used arrogance 🤔. It's because I can feel your each word and I know very well behind your thoughts.
By the way I am not a psychologist 🤣. Don't get me wrong. I just want to say you to remain cool even if you don't agree.
You can enjoy Solo trip in village and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Lol.. I get you bro. And you're right about the village being the permanent address. I feel that is the main relevance that it still has, the fact that we will always have a home there.
And although I said I don't like going down there doesn't mean I don't. I do when the rest of the family travel there, I just don't see myself going there on my own because I want to.
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Going to the village is supposed to be a good thing but this Nigeria, village people can do you strong thing and that’s why most people run away from their villages😅
Exactly. Everyone is playing it safe.
One time I was excited about going to the village to spend my Christmas but right now no more. Probably doing the same routine every year doesn't excite me anymore.
If you ask me, I prefer staying in the village to celebrate my Christmas.
Different strokes for different folks 😅.
I also like village life very much and one day in a week I also go to the villages and spend four or five hours there and see the people there. I was also there during the day and I have also posted.