The man I am


Unlike every other day where I have a specific topic or issue that I would want to talk about here, today I’ve decided to just freestyle and probably talk about a couple of things, depending on what my brains allows me to write out.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

Well the first thing I would love start with today is something I observed from my friends or people around me. I’ve noticed that people tend to not tell me stuff whenever they feel like that thing that they’re about to say is bad and I probably wouldn’t agree with it.

It might be a bit confusing but I have a little story here to help you guys understand.

About two years ago, I had this friend who, unknown to me was an internet fraudster. We usually hung out from time to time and he never for once told me about it until one day when I saw a text on his phone and that gave me an idea of what he does. What was even more crazy was that after I confronted him about it and he finally opened up to me, I realized that everyone else knew that that was what he was into, everyone but me.

According to him, the reason why he didn’t tell me was because he didn’t want me preaching to him or looking at him like a bad person because of what he does, so he decided keeping it a secret from me was what was best for him to do.

Unfortunately, I ended up distancing myself from him before he eventually moved out because my dad would always say that if you don’t want to do something, then don’t allow the people doing it get close to you because they will end up convincing you to do it and that’s the true.

So I did what I felt was best for me.

Anyways, the reason why I’m telling you guys this story today is because he isn’t the only person that I’ve noticed keep bad things that they are doing away from me because they are worried about the way I will look at them or something like that. And it’s not like I judge them or anything, they’ve just always known me to be a straight forward person with certain principles that just can’t be compromised so when they do those things they know I normally would never do, they keep it away from me.

Unfortunately, it seems like I will be ending today’s discussion here. I’ve been thinking for over an hour now for something to add to this but I keep coming up with nothing, so until we meet again, take care.


That's a good one, it's a good thing to be a straight forward person, you shouldn't play with what you don't eat or what you won't eat...

The so called Yahoo guys are one of the dangerous set of people to move with, as many of them now plus their Yahoo, you never can tell what he has in mind for you, so it's better to stay away from toxic people like that.

Thanks for sharing.



Another thing is the quote "show me your friends and I will tell you who you are"

I might get mistaken for one of them and end up getting arrested.
