The Last Phone Call

While I was going through the announcement channel on the Hive Learners community, I discovered that one topic that didn't make it to this week's top three contest topic is one titled "Last person you talked to" and usually I wouldn't write on this topic, but then my mind did that thing where it just starts thinking on its own without me giving it the command to and so it helped me remember the last person I had spoken to today, and the moment I did I was certain that I was going to write on this topic.

Well you see, the last person I had spoken to today before writing this post is a very close friend of mine and trust me when I say that the reason I had called her on the phone was a funny one.

I've always been someone who hates having to think of what to eat because I always spend hours thinking and in most cases still end up with no answer. So I had called this friend of mine and was begging her to come give me a plate of jollof rice from her home. You see, she had told me earlier today that she planned on cooking some jollof rice and the moment I remembered that this evening, I had immediately picked up my phone to call her and shamelessly beg for food.

She's one of those female friends who knows how lazy I can get when it comes to cooking or doing anything food related that doesn't involve eating the food and she would always help my sad life by either giving me food from time to time whenever she cooks or would help me cook whenever she comes around for a visit. Unfortunately, she had turned me down today because I had called her a bit late and she couldn't leave her place at that time of the night.

So we ended the call on a sad note for me and I had gone on discord to distract my growling stomach only to read this text from @dlmmqb.

Screenshot taken from my phone

It was such a coincidence seeing how he was talking to someone else but it just felt like the universe had wanted me to see the text myself. Well, unless this lady wants nothing to do with my heart, someone has to go tell her to give me some jollof rice.


I just cooked food now. I am cooking because everyone is in my village except me. You are invited to take food.
Indeed it sounds funny but Dlmmqb said the right things🤣🤣.


You are invited to take food.

I'm on my way 😂😂


I am waiting for you. Come fast ..🤣🤣
