Right or Wrong?


Photo by Pablo García Saldaña

When it comes to the matters of relationship, we learn everyday because there really isn't anything like a scheme of work or manual with instructions as to how relationships should be handled. As we find ourselves in new relationships, we learn to adapt and do things in ways that makes our partners happy while bearing in mind that what our ex used to like might not be what our current boyfriend or girlfriend likes, so we learn as we go forward.

Well I have this friend of mine who recently started dating his girlfriend. The relationship is about four months old so it's still kind of young, they're both still trying to figure out what they both like and what they don't like.

But you see, this friend of mine (a male) happens to be in a sort of situation. According to him, ever since his new relationship started, they've both had arguments nothing less than three times and everyone of those times, he has been the one always waving the white flag, asking for peace even when he wasn't the one at fault or the one to be blamed for the quarrel.

We both sat outside recently talking about random stuff when he unknowingly started to complain about her behaviour to me. To him, he feels like him apologising all the time will end up causing a huge problem for him during the long run because the moment she gets that mentality that he will always come back to ask for peace no matter what, she will keep on fighting with him.

He asked for my advise on the issue and seeing how I've been trying to avoid giving anyone any advise that has a tiny bit of possibility of ruining his or her relationship, I told him to do whatever it is he feels works for him and his relationship. If waving the white flag brings peace and doesn't hurt his ego (or even if it does and he doesn't care), then he should continue doing just that. If he feels or thinks otherwise, then he should talk to her about it and stop apologising.


I do go for peace always as well even when I am right because I believe that we all have different upbringings which result in our different approaches to situations.

But, I would never be allowed to be taken for granted just because I choose to embrace peace always. I always try to make her see her faults even though settling things is what matters and she admits she is wrong and we move on. In a situation where she doesn't admit that she is wrong whenever she is and you as a man keep on apologizing, there might be problems piled up in the future especially when she starts feeling entitled to your apologizes even when she is wrong.


Yeah that's true.. I think making peace shouldn't be a problem if the other person acknowledges their mistakes and feel sorry for it.
