My Favorite Soup

Photo by Erik McLean

Back in the day when I was a little lad, I used to have this debate with myself on what soup I liked the most. The battle used to be among the Egusi soup, the okra soup and the ogbonor soup. All of these soups are Nigerian soups so unless you're a Nigerian, or have visited Nigeria or know some stuff about Nigerian meals, these names might sound strange to you but stay with me please.

Like I was saying, the battle has always been among this three soups until one day when my mom made this Egusi soup in a way she has never done before. The taste was so nice that I automatically gave the crowd to Egusi and named it my most favorite soup.

The truth was that the Egusi soup has always had the upper hand because among those three soups I mentioned, it was the most commonly cooked at my home back then and I think this was because my dad wasn't really a huge fan of the other two.

Unfortunately the reign of the Egusi soup wasn't that long because went I gained admission into the university and went to school, it became the only soup I ate at school and this was because it was the only soup I bothered to learn how to cook and that was when I started to get tired of it.

I ate it so frequently that it got to an extent where I no longer could bear thinking about the soup, not to talk of cooking and eating it and that was when I went to the runner up in the competition, the ogbonor soup. It turned out that the ogbonor soup was actually much more easier to prepare than the Egusi and it could take literally less than thirty minutes to cook and so I gave it all of my attention, completely ignoring the Egusi soup.

But ladies and gentlemen, nothing they say lasts forever and it's currently that time of year again when I want to try something new but then I know that if I just focus on a new soup, I will get tired of it like I did the rest, so now I've got a plan. I no longer desire to have a favorite soup. I will just eat every kind of soup I like at different times, making sure not to eat too much of any specific one because the moment I do that, they will end up in the same category as the Egusi and the ogbonor soup, a category of soup that I won't be eating from in a very long time.


This soup seems tasty. First time I came to know this soup. Amazing


Yeah it is.. Unfortunately I couldn't get an actual image of the real soup for this post.


Ohoo. Same is the case with me. 😂😂😂😂
In my last recipe my kids not allow me to make picture of my dish.
