Making a Choice

As a kid I always enjoyed playing in the rain. It was always fun, especially with friends. I remember we would play football under the rain and for some strange reasons, our strict African parents never really complained about it.


Photo by Nick Nice

They would let us play as much as we wanted, not minding the fact that we could catch a cold because of that. But then, that was only fun because we only had our clothes on and it getting drenched in the rain wasn't a big deal to us, because we could always go change into a new one when we were done.

And most times, getting drenched in the rain were preplanned by us, so it's never really a huge deal unlike this particular day I got really drenched and almost cried. I feel the only reason I probably didn't cry was because it wasn't going to be noticeable, considering I already had water pouring on me.

I remember I had just finished this assignment of mine that really took me time to write and I had taken it to school only to get new information that we would no longer be submitting that assignment that day, so I had to take it home and bring it back next week.

Now whenever I go to school, I only carry a tiny bag with me where I put my phone and my little book that I use to write down things and then it's filled up. So whenever I have to go to school with a textbook or in this case, an assignment, I have to carry it on my hand,which was where this assignment was when I carried it to school.

So I kept the assignment with me and stayed for the other lectures. But towards the end of lecture for that day, I started to have this funny feeling in my stomach and I knew I had to get home as soon as possible because I was beginning to feel pressed and needed to use the toilet.

But just as I got out of the lecture hall, the clouds started to turn dark, which was indication that it was going to rain soon. At that moment, the right thing to do was to stay back and wait, but I couldn't because of the condition I was in, I had to get home as soon as possible. So I decided to risk it and try to get home fast, hopefully I would get home before it began to rain.

I had been wrong. Few minutes after I stepped out, the heavens opened and the water began to pour. At this point, I had two options. It was either I entered one of the empty shops along the street to stay dry and keep my assignment dry but also risk pooping on myself, or sacrifice the assignment and save myself the embarrassment.

Of course I went for the latter because I could write the assignment all over again but can never get over the shame of pooping on myself (at least not anytime soon). And that was how I got drenched, along with assignment that I had painstakingly written. My phone and every other thing in the bag was safe though, so I didn't get that upset like I would had if the rain had damaged my phone.

The funny thing is that one would think that after that incident, I would get a bigger bag, I didn't. I still go to school with my tiny bag.


This is my entry to the Hive Learners weekly contest.


Choosing the assignment over the poo would have caused an embarrassing moment for you if your belly decided to explode.

You can always write the assignment again, that was a really funny moment.


Yup.. That was why I took the decision I took.
