Love is Simple

Love is only complicated when you make it to be complicated, to me, love is simple and beautiful, it always has been and always will be.

Photo by Everton Vila

I was on tiktok earlier today, trying to keep myself busy after having a stressful day but then I saw this video of a cartoon that showed a couple just spending time together, one scene showed a part where the girlfriend woke up and noticed that her boyfriend wasn't under the duvet, so she adjusted it and covered him up and then another part showed where she was telling him about her day, probably ranting about what someone else did to her and the boyfriend just sat there, focused on what she was saying, almost like his life depended on it.

The video was basically just showing us how to be our partner's best friend and how spending quality time with your partner and paying attention to them is the best form of romance there is. It was a really beautiful video that brought a smile to my face because to me, that has always been the perfect kind of romance that I've always envisioned I would have with my partner.

I remember some few years ago after I got broken up with, I would occasionally fantasize on how well I would treat my next girlfriend (whoever she may be), I daydreamed about spending time with her, just the two of us talking, playing silly games together that would make her laugh so hard, tears would roll down her cheek and basically just doing everything together. Because I've always felt like that is the best way to be with your partner, by just spending quality time with them and just making them laugh and be happy.

Unfortunately, my generation kinda grew on the wrong side of love and no one really wants to do these things anymore. All what the majority of them care about is sex and to me I feel that is just sad because it's as if we're all ignoring this huge part of love that makes it beautiful and just focused on the tiniest part of it.

But the good news about love is that you get to shape your love story whatever way you want, so trust me when I say I'm sticking to what I've always daydreamed about all this years and I plan on making my partner the most happiest woman in the world by doing all the things many youths this days ignore.


This is so lovely. 🥹 Such love stories are the dreams of many. I guess the few you encountered depicted the attitude of wanting otherwise. Do keep the flag of this beautiful love story flying, you will meet your one true love soon✨


Thank you dear. I hope we all meet our one true love if we haven't already 😊.
