Looking Within

Photo by Iulia Mihailov

As we get older, it's really important that we look within ourselves and try to change certain behaviours/characters that we exhibit, behaviours that we know aren't right but refuse to admit it to people because of our ego or pride.

When I was a little boy, I always was the kind of kid who always thought that I was right all the time and I happened to be very good with words, so even when I wasn't right, I would look for a way to make sure I ended up being right. It was a very bad character but the crazy thing was that I didn't even know I behaved that way.

TO me, I was doing nothing wrong, I was always right and that was it. But then I moved to the university and started to move around with people far more older than I was and I soon realized the nasty behaviour I've always had. I found out that the reason why I always felt like I was always right was because my friends did little to nothing to challenge me.

Now I'm not saying it's their fault, it just that they were always too quick to let me have my way and just let me believe what ever it was I wanted to believe, maybe because they didn't want to end up picking a fight with me. And most of my friends back then were either my age mates or younger than I was, so I was kinda like the alpha of the group.

But when I got to the university, I began to really look at myself and soon enough, I noticed some very nasty behaviors in me and I got to work, trying to take care of them and change. And seeing how one of my major problems was the "always right" syndrome, I learned to speak less and listen more. So even when I disagree with whatever it is you're saying, I listen and try to see sense in whatever it is you're trying to say.

And most times it works, because I end up understanding that person's point of view and I agree with them. That turned out to be one of the best things I've done for myself and I don't regret one bit having to admit that I had an ego problem.

Unfortunately not everyone wants to do this, not everyone is ready to look at themselves and admit that there are certain behaviours in them that has to go, because if they do, they will end up becoming the best version of themselves.


The truth is that we tend to learn and know better the more we grow. Also, we should be willing to learn if truly we want to change our bad attitudes. It's because we still have a lot of people who has not stopped their irrational behaviors even when they know it is wrong...that is because they are not ready to learn


Admitting our faults isn't something that is easy to do, so I understand why some people might not want to do that.. But like you said, we should be willing to learn in order to change our bad attitudes.


I think we are not on the right side all the time. And it's very natural and we learn lessons from it. You have acknowledged that always thinking that you are right is not true all the time and you learned from it and now you try to understand anything from other's points of view. It's the most important lesson of life and some people don't able to learn the lesson their entire life.


And it's a sad thing because once you learn to look at life this way, everything becomes easier for you because the truth is that we can't always be right.
