Is It Too Late For Me?

Photo by Joshua Fuller

For the majority of my life, I've always been that guy who's known to not say much when I'm in public, so people just generally assumed that I'm always serious and not fun to be with, but that isn't always the case when I'm with my friends or people I'm close to because I'm very free and fun with them. And to be honest, this wasn't a problem to me in the past, I actually did enjoy saying less and just being on my own, but I think there comes a time in a man's life where the whole thing just gets to you and you no longer want to be alone or feel lonely anymore, so you want people to see you for who you really are, as a fun loving guy who they can mingle with anytime they want, but the question is, how do you do that?

How do you go from being the guy who doesn't say much to being the guy who's out there mingling and just having crazy fun with everyone.

One of the main reasons why I'm asking all of this questions is because I plan on moving out of my current hostel soon and I hope that when I do get to a new hostel, I can be able to loosen up and be that guy that I want to be now. And I know that moving to a new place is like having a fresh start and you can be whoever you want them to think you are because they don't know your past life and how you behaved in the past, but it's easier said than done for me.

I feel the problem is that I've been too comfortable staying on my own for way too long that now, I just can't seem to push myself out of my comfort zone to go do things I want to do but normally don't do. And so I feel like even when I move to a new hostel, it won't take long before everyone there find out that I'm a loner and they all would just let me be, which automatically would mean that I had successfully carried my old lifestyle into a place that is suppose to be sort of like a new beginning for me.

And the reason why I feel so certain that this might happen, is because about four years ago when I traveled to school, I had promised myself that I would be the people's person and be that guy everyone likes and talks to and maybe I tried but I obviously didn't try enough because I soon found myself behind closed doors, at the comfort of my room, minding my business.

So please, I need help, what can I do to look more approachable to people who don't know me. Should I smile more, talk in public more, or is it too late for me to start afresh and develop a new set of characters, one that people will love.


Just like that, every human being wants to enjoy life in a good way and meet all people in a good way and laugh with them in a good way and together with each other we all live a good life but It does not happen at all when a person is doing well with someone, then that person does not do well with you at all. The constitution of is going on in today's era.


For me it's not a difficult task because I am introvert and extrovert at the same time and depending on situation I can change it. In your case, I think you need to be determined firstly. And secondary you need to do against what you want to do. It will not be easy at the beginning thing but I think you will be used to with it if you practice it.


Well I've started getting out of my comfort zone and I now come out more to see people be seen, hopefully that works.
